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Jungkook POV

Namjoon silently scrubbing the cream on my sprained legs in the waiting room . Namjoon is the only friend i have at my work place and i could say that when at work I depend the most on namjoon rather than my own boyfriend but yeah I haven't tell namjoon that kim Taehyung is my boyfriend

As he was softly massaging my legs I imagined namjoon was Taehyung and I suddenly bursts into tears thinking about what happened in the studio just now

"Hey kookie what's wrong?"

'He really go with her'

'He choose her'

'He ignores me'

'Does he really love me?'

"H-hyung?" He hummed

"Do you want to know my secret? But if i tell you please don't tell anyone. You're my best friend too yet i keep this from you"

He sighed "it's okay kook . You don't have to tell me I'm okay"

I cry my eyes out "i- no .. i have to tell you ... i- have no one here except you hyung"

"Ok then tell me if that will make you feel at ease a little.. I will keep it as a secret"

"It's about kim Taehyung"

"That arrogant Taehyung?" I nods . Namjoon rolled his eyes up and down when i said Taehyung. I know namjoon didn't like Taehyung i still remember how namjoon always got annoyed and mad whenever Taehyung look down towards the low level staff here

"H-he's my boyfriend"

"Ou- what ?!!!!!!! B-but how come kook?"

"Hyung actually we've been friends since high school . He kinda attracted to me and asked me to be his boyfriend at first I rejected him but suddenly i fell in love with him too . Even we attended same university and our relationship is already 5 years now"

"I see ... but don't be mad when i say this"

"How come he barely talk to you at all at work? No like i mean he spent most his time with his work and the directors"

"I know .... and that kang seulgi makes me feel so fucked up more"

"Hyung .... i feel so hurt when Taehyung just... look at me and then walked away with her" i bursted into tears again and namjoon feel sorry to me . "What a jerk" He pulled me into his chest and hugged me while stroking my back to soothe me .

"Glad that i have you hyung here"


I got MC today so I don't have to go work but i was sulking all day because Taehyung didn't come home at all . When i woke up he wasn't there beside me like he always do before he became a famous and well known announcer

I heard a clicked sound from the main door and i know it was Taehyung. I don't have mood to talk to him and i still feel hurt too . I wrapped myself into the blanket . I don't want to see his face

But then I felt so heavy when Taehyung came landed on me hugging me comfortably and pulled down half of the blanket till it shows my face

"Kookie .... I'm sorry"

'Sorry bullshit!' I pulled up again the blanket to cover my face . I was hurt and I literally sprained my legs but he choose to go with her

I thought Taehyung will persuade me by telling me jokes , sweet talks or caress my body but he just

"Come on kookie , i said sorry okay so stop sulking . I'm tired so please don't make things complicated"

'I make things complicated?'

'Did I really do that?'

Without realising it my tears fell from eyes running through my cheeks . Crying under the blanket so he couldn't see me crying.

If he sees my crying he will feel terrible and i don't want him to feel that .

'He's just tired kook.....' i tried to make myself better and to consider him because he is a successful person unlike me ended up working at the backstage without beig acknowledged

But still , i have hearts too so I couldn't help but crying. Crying is the least thing i can do whenever I'm with him .

With a red yes and tears still running I peaked a little to see him and i found him already sleeping comfortably.

'I want your hands around me just like you always do when you sleep kim Taehyung'

'I miss the old you'

Do votes and comments thank you my lovely readers!!!

-Do votes and comments thank you my lovely readers!!!

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We got that Taehyung.. jungkook is only for you

He just drank water but i feel like punching him cause damn so cuteeeeeee

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He just drank water but i feel like punching him cause damn so cuteeeeeee

He just drank water but i feel like punching him cause damn so cuteeeeeee

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It's bunny kook 🐰 💖

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