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Kim Taehyung POV

"Eomma stop it! I told you I won't marry seulgi I don't love her! You can't control my life I'm a grown man !" I was so done with eomma controlling my life like a freak !

"No ! You have to marry her Taehyung our company would make a great combination with her popularity imagine that Taehyung" yeah he knows it after all the reason why his eomma really wants him to marry seulgi . It's for company advantages

"Am I really your son eomma ? Are you going to just watch how your son is suffering marrying someone he don't loves ? Then what's the meaning of marriage? Eomma please .... i never asked anything from you and all i do is follow what you want but this time let me choose who will be my partner" I really begged to her . Marriage is not a small thing and I don't want that girl become my wife . I want jungkook . Just jungkook

"Taehyung ~ of course you're my son what are you talking about . I do this for your sake tae , money and fame will give you happiness..."

"Then are you happy that you got this fame but you lost appa ?" His mother frozed didn't expect that would be a topic . Both of them clearly remember what exactly happened. Taehyung remember how his eomma choose her company over his appa


"Ji hye we never have a proper time as a family . You're always busy with your company. I know you're trying to make your company famous but please ... at least remember that you have a son" Taehyung stood there behind the door inside his room , he didn't mean to eavesdrop their parents but his 9 years old hearts wanted to know it . He was curious

Min hyun on the other side a kind and humble man who loves ji hye with all his heart despite he knows how his wife is . He knows that his wife loves her work and trying to do everything just to make her company better. Yes min hyun is just a poor man while ji hye is from a rich family

But min hyun accept all his wife's flaws because he really loves her but this time he really can't take it

"You can take Taehyung to anywhere and spend your time together with him min hyun , I'm busy . I'm near to make my company a big success"

Min hyun sighed "ji hye yah~ do you really not think about us ? Me , you and Taehyung are family . We're family ji hye . Do you know how much Taehyung cry asking for you to eat together? Do you realise we never had a proper time together at the table like other families do ? Laughing and chatting while eating. Taehyung and me really miss you" min hyun finally let all what his heart wanted to say to his wife . He really hope that finally his wife agrees and accept to have time together as a family

"Stop talking nonsense min hyun Taehyung would be okay now let me sleep I'm tired" ji hye walks away from her husband but min hyun was fast and grabbed her hand first . Taehyung who's still eavesdropping felt so broken behind the door . This 9 years old kid could feel how his father felt being abandoned by her because that's what he feels all this time .

"Do you loves your work that much ji hye ?"

"Yes" ji hye replied it short "now will you let me go?" Min hyun let her go weakly and tears start to fall from his eyes . Taehyung who still silently watched let his tears fall down too

"It's all my fault, what I expect from my poor ass when you accepted to marry me ? If i were rich you wouldn't be like this , you wouldn't forget your own son and me because of your work . If i were rich we will sit together chatting and laughing while eating our dinner at the table like other normal family do . Taehyung wouldn't cry for his mother. Now it's time for me let you go ji hye . I loves you but I'm not happy because I realised it's not me who you loved but your career"

"now choose , your family or your work?"Ji hye ruffling her hairs stressful with all this . She loves her husband but she loves her works too

"min hyun i love you i swear but you can't do this to me ! I love my work too you can't make me choose this !" Min hyun nodded his head wiping off his tears from his eyes "i will let you go, i hope your work could be your happiness . It's a good bye i guess" min hyun turns his head away from his wife as he walked to the front door and suddenly Taehyung came out from his room crying hard "appa ! Don't go ! Don't leave me" Taehyung hugged his father tightly not wanting to let him go "don't go~" Taehyung was choking on his tears , he barely can talk . Min hyun just smiled and look at his son rufflling his hairs "I won't go away from you taetae . I will visit you but i guess i have to end all this with your eomma . Rather than all of us hurting this is the only way taetae but appa promise appa will always visit you and we can go to arcade okay?" Min hyun was trying hard to soothe his son while ji hye just standing there don't know what to do . She stills confused with herself, family or work ?

"Thank your for being my son taetae" min hyun give his last peck on Taehyung 's forehead and cheek before stepped out from the house with a broken heart that his wife will never understand it .

The figure of min hyun disappeared from their sight and both of them still standing there not moving a bit before suddenly a sound of loud crashes hits them into realisation


"I asked you are you happy now you got what you wanted ? Are you happy that finally your hardwork paid off even though you lost appa the one who loves you despite he knows your flaws but accept you will all his heart yet you crushed it d-do you k-know how much appa and me suffering from all this? I know it eomma that you still visit his grave till now and how you sometimes fell asleep while holding his picture..."

"Stop tae~" my mom cried. I know she would she still loves appa

"Does it haunts you ? Does he makes you miss him ?"

"Stop ..."

"Are you happy? We lost appa long ago and now do you want to lost me?"

"I said stop tae~" my mom was crying really hard just like me . We both crying remembering how much we love father but we lost him

"You know how much i love jungkook just like how appa loves you but now i lost him and my child too . I lost their trust i lost their everything because i was so dumb and pathetic who made work as priority over his loved ones. I wasted jungkook who loves me because of the fame i got . Do you know how much jungkook suffered? I treated him like a shit while carrying our babies and went to seulgi. He doesn't deserve this eomma ! He never asked me for anything all he asked was just to give him loves and never leave his side but i .. i .."

Ji hye on the other side still remember how jungkook begger her let him stay beside Taehyung and how he will accept if Taehyung marry seulgi . Now she felt what jungkook feels . What jungkook felt was like how her husband felt long ago

"Taehyung I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't realise how much i destroyed my son's happiness" ji hye went to Taehyung and pulled him into her hugs . Hugging the crying boy tightly while rubbing his back to soothe him . Taehyung choked on his crying thinking about jungkook who he wasted.

"I-i miss him eomma ... b-but he doesn't want me anymore .. he made it clear during the show" ji hye lost her words . She never saw Taehyung crying like this , the last she saw Taehyung was choking on his crying when her husband died in front of their house . For the second time ji hye felt a failure again to her son . She realised how much money and fame couldn't win over true love

"I'm sorry taetae~ please don't cry like this"

"I'm sorry...." my mom really trying to stop me from crying "I won't force you to marry seulgi" I replied mom's hugs and tightened it not wanting to let her go . I let my tears fall on her shoulders

"Kookie ... i miss you"


I know it's long but hahaha whatever at least an update right? Huhu





Thank you reading hehe and don't forget to vote and comments 😭😭😭👌🏻🤕🤕

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