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Few days later jimin got messages from Taehyung saying that jungkook didn't believe him and trusted hoseok more rather than him and how jungkook told Taehyung to go away from him broke jimin's heart too but jimin is sure that jungkook wouldn't forget Taehyung that easily . He really knows jungkook

Jungkook was eating with jimin at a restaurant just two of them because jimin wanted to talk about Taehyung to jungkook and he hope jungkook won't chopped his head off



"Do you really not loves Taehyung anymore ?" Jungkook dropped his fork and knife that he used to eat his steak as his eyes went all dark suddenly like an evil staring at jimin

"Why are you suddenly bringing him up?"

Jimin shrugging off "just but what ? Can't i ? Just asking kookie" Jimin doesn't want to look so fake acting like he didn't care at all he was just being careful not to get caught by jungkook

"Yes . I don't love him anymore"

"Are you sure ? Like I really know you kookie .. you won't forget Taehyung that easily plus the twins are his child too . Are you gonna stop Taehyung from meeting his own child?"

"Yes .. why can't i ?" Jimin sighed "kook for fuck sakes Taehyung is their appa you can't just ignore the fact that their appa is not dead !"

"Why are you suddenly backing him up jimin ?!! I thought you're on my side !"

"I'm not on anyone sides right now ! Kook i know how hurtful were you back then but that doesn't mean you can stop them from meeting imagine you are at his place how would you feel kook?" Jungkook frozed as his eyes went blurry with tears brimming at his beautiful doe eyes and jimin sighed again like sigh is his permanent job

"You know how Taehyung was back then .. an ego but now he put his ego aside trying hard to talk to you and your child . Kook i know he's sometimes a fucker that i want to step on his face but all people deserve second chances. Remember the story you told me about Taehyung lost his father at 9 years old ? But you make your kids lost his father at the young age kook . You know I'm always with you kook but not this time . I want you to put your ego aside too and about hoseok he was right."

Jungkook tilted his head and look at jimin in disbelief "how did you know jimin ? Did you and him talk about me behind me ?"

Jimin was busted and there's no way he could get out from jungkook's deathlike question . Jimin nods and talk again "he is really deeply in love with you jeon jungkook . He came to me begging to listen to him and how broken i was seeing him choking on his tears crying saying that he loves you and he realised how dumb he was for ruining everything" jimin added making jungkook feels like he really wants to let his tears fall but his ego stopped him "and i know you still loves him too jungkook , the blood running in the twins are your strength which is mean kim Taehyung is your strength too"


Jimin was frustrated that at the end jungkook still didn't listen to him saying he doesn't love Taehyung but jimin knows he loves Taehyung!! Jungkook is his best friend for good ! Jimin can read whenever jungkook was lying and that that time jungkook was lying to himself. The hatred he felt for Taehyung long ago made him stubborn with his own feelings . Now jungkook is the one who's being ego and ruining their second chances. Hoseok is not the person he could blame off because they really could make it again if they believe in each other and he remembers his last word to jungkook before he stormed out from the restaurant

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