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Jungkook was a little excited today he quietly brought his home made lunch for Taehyung in his bag and Taehyung didn't know it . Jungkook knows that Taehyung barely have time to rest because of his work so he thinks he could help his boyfriend with this bringing lunch to him . Taehyung will be happy

"Why are you smiling like an idiot kook?" Taehyung who's driving beside him suddenly spoke out making jungkook startled and all his imagination broken into pieces .

"Ouh nothing taetae~"

After a few minutes driving like usual Taehyung will drop off jungkook at the intersection beside their company's work as they didn't want to be seen coming to work together


"Hey kookie let's go for lunch" namjoon asked jungkook right away after they're done with the filming another show for latest episode . Another show that Taehyung is not involved

"Can you wait ? I will give this lunch box to tae first" jungkook asking namjoon politely while holding the plastic bag and namjoon nodded. Jungkook walked away makis his ways to the upper floor by using the lift to head to Taehyung's office . Yes , Taehyung have his own office because of how successful he is

Like usual jungkook is the type who forgot to knock on the door first so he just went inside Taehyung's office like that just to see Taehyung is making out with seulgi on the sofa and they're half naked

The presence of jungkook later was realised by both of them and Taehyung hoped off from the sofa wiping his bottom lips to clean it from the lipstick stains . Seulgi just taking it lightly and got up with a smile on her face like nothing happened

"Ouh Taehyung isn't this the kid who works at the backstage?" Seulgi asked him rudely

"What are you doing here?" Added seulgi

"aaaa ohhh t-that" jungkook trembled and his voice shaken

"I asked him to bring my lunch that i left it at the make up room. I kinda forgot about it" Taehyung said as he saw what I'm holding and he's trying too much to not get caught by seulgi

"Oh really??"

"Yes" that's it . Jungkook is fucking hurt again by Taehyung's actions.

"Put it on the table and you can leave" added Taehyung to jungkook which make jungkook more broken "and fucking knock the door first kid"


Jungkook felt so pretty broken because he's been keeping all inside what he feels all this time . Not telling anyone, he only have Taehyung though besides his old grandmother who lives deep in the village .

After he's done with his work he didn't wait for Taehyung at the usual place and went straight to the bus stop . He don't think he could talk to Taehyung for a while .

Jungkook remembers everything since he first know Taehyung and how Taehyung chased him just to get him to be his boyfriend. He remembers everything the sweet moments Taehyung gave him and he fell for that . He fell for sweet talker kim Taehyung. He remembers how he sacrificed his own dream to become an artist because he loves art than anything. That was his dream . Long ago . become and artist was his dream

Just thinking about all that makes jungkook burst into tears because he didn't expect this will turn out this way . Taehyung always acts cold towards him since he became an announcer. Does the fame make him like this ?

"I.. i - fucking l-love you tae b-but why?" Jungkook choked on his crying "why - y-you never look at me a-and acknowledge my existence f-or everyone"

Jungkook cries really hard that he couldn't talk properly and having difficulty in breathing. Jungkook looks so fragile . Jungkook is a kind and pure guy as he always think about others first rather than himself

"Kook ? Are you okay?" Jungkook turned his head to the voices to look "woah you didn't look good what's wrong?"

"Y-yoongi ~" as soon as he saw yoongi sat beside him at the bus stop he bursted into tears again , flows from the edge of his eyes to his chin and fell onto the ground . Jungkook have never been this broken after their parents death and Taehyung broke it

Yoongi clumsily pulled jungkook into his chest as he hugged him tightly stroking his back to soothe jungkook "it's okay it's okay .. you can cry" yoongi was so good soothing pampered jungkook . The bus that go to jungkook apartment just went away because jungkook didn't want to let him go. He felt so much better that yoongi hugged him


"Where did you go ? It's past 12 ?" The first question jungkook heard after he entered their apartment just to see angry Taehyung sitting on the sofa crossing his legs

"S-somewhere" jungkook stuttered "oh yeah ? Somewhere ? With that blonde guy you hugged?" Jungkook flinched . He didn't know Taehyung saw them together at the bus stop

"So you go around hugging him while I'm not with you?" Jungkook confused

"W-what ? Noo !! He ... he just trying to soothe me" Taehyung knows jungkook cried a lot because of how red and swollen his eyes but he choose to ignore

"Soothe you ?" Taehyung came closer "Do you expect me to believe that?" Their nose touched

"Tae.. are you drunk ? You smell like alcohol?" Jungkook realised why Taehyung was acting this way it's because he was so drunk "no I'm not drunk!"

"Tell me what did you do with that guy ?!!" Taehyung yelled at him and jungkook have never been this petrified. His eyes brimming with tears again "oh baby ~ why are you crying?? You want me to soothe you?" Taehyung pulled jungkook waist so his body closed to his and Jungkook's body shaken . He really scared

"T-Taehyung w-what are you doing?" Jungkook lightly tried to push his chest but failed miserably and that earned his hairs pulled harshly by Taehyung "what ?! He can soothe you and I can't?!!! I'm your boyfriend!!"

That's it . Jungkook is done with all the bullshit he said "What boyfriend?!!!" Taehyung froze because jungkook have never yelled at him or raised his voice to him which only made him become more angrier "what did you say?"

"You have changed Taehyung"

"Since you became a famous announcer you never look at me properly . You loves your job more than you loves me! And how dare you to act as my boyfriend when actually you just cheating behind me with that bitch seulgi at our work ?!!! Jungkook added

"You're right I don't love you anymore!!and don't fucking call her bitch whrn you actually who's acting like a bitch now !! You know i love my work and all i want you to do is understand me!!" This time jungkook froze and he couldn't stop his tears anymore . This was too much for him . He expected Taehyung to tell him that he is wrong and he still loves him .

"You look so fuckable right now you know that" drunk Taehyung came again


Ok such a long chapter lol

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