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Kim Taehyung POV

"Kim Taehyung!!! Wait for me !" Seulgi called me but i just ignored it . She annoys me a lot and I don't have any mood at all . She keeps following me to the work

"Stop following me ! Don't you have to shoot for your new drama ?!" I yelled at her but none of them works

"It's okay taetae ~ they won't be mad"

"Don't call me taetae seulgi , there's only person can call me that" i said with a stern look and seulgi rolls her eyes as she got so annoying

"Taehyung! You always talk about this one person . Always this one person ! Are you cheating on me ?!" I stroked my hair stressfully dealing with this snake

"I told you we're done seulgi! I ended everything with you a day before our wedding ok ?!!"

Seulgi put sour face on her face , eyes brimming with tears "but it's been 5 years tae don't you loves me ? I'm always there for you for this 5 years ! And where's 'this person' ? all this time ?!"

I hit my work desk and stood up from my chair "get out from office or i will call guard to drag you out!"

"Fine ! But remember tae i'll find this person first before you!" Seulgi stepped out from my office. One problem settled but another one came ? Oh god

"Where are you kookie please come back to me. Let's get married and live together with our little family" I wipe my tears at the edge of my eyes , scratching my not itchy head

"I know I'm fucking dumb kookie but i miss you"


I opened the lock of the guest room and entered the room . The room was unused for few months and there's spider web everywhere even the notes he left . I took the notes and opened it finally after a few months

dear kim Taehyung ,

Hi , i know it's awkward when i want to write this letter to you because we aren't us anymore. You know what i mean right ? I'm writing this letter for you because at least i want you to know that i loves you a lot , i love you more than anyone else that i think i could die without you but I'm wrong . I'm still alive because the Oxygen that tree gives me . Sorry I didn't mean to say that ok continue.

You've changed and you're different since you became an announcer , you barely have time with me all you think is work . I understand it so i let it slide even though I'm hurt because i want to be a good boyfriend to you . I don't wanna force you to spare time with me when i know you're busy but the think I can't accept it the presence of other woman in our relationship. You even hurt me physically after she came into our life Taehyung and do you know how much it hurts me ? No you can't feel it

Like you said , I always depend on you and I realised that and I realised how fake is our love right now . Such a fake love and it hurts me . The moment I write this letter to you please know that I'm ready to let you go . I'm ready to stop loving you . I'm ready to depend on you and I'm ready to forget you and our moments together. I would like to say this to you face to face but i think you don't even wanna see my face so yeah . It's such a tragic goodbye for us but I'm used to it since you said you don't loves me anymore

Kim Taehyung, i jeon jungkook will forget you , let you go and stop loving you just like you want and be happy on your marriage with her

The last thing i want you to know , don't find the child in my womb when they are born . I will tell them the appa is dead

"Child ?! What do you mean child jeon jungkook ?!" I took the envelope and open it . I felt my world crumbled the moment i saw the printed slip picture of two baby in a womb and it's stated there it's in their 7 months pregnancy already

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