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Another update lol 😂 pls enjoy and happy reading


Tae !!! You better stop them now !

Huh ? What r u saying jimin


Yeah what bout him ?

Yoongi said hoseok texted him saying he wants to confess and propose him tonight

Wht ?!!!!! Fucking don't please

Better get ur ass move now ! Here's the address xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jimin... thanks .. really

I trust u , i know you've reflected yourself so please don't ever repeat the same thing again



I look at watch at my hands

"Fuck it's already 8.34 pm and the road is full with cars" the road was jammed from the moment i went out from my apartment

"Why today ? Damn !" I hit the steering and unintentionally produces the horn sound


Finally after 30 minutes fighting in the jammed and i feels like i was on a war . I parked the car at the parking site and ran straight to the restaurant

'I'm gonna stop him'

'Jungkook please wait for me'

'I love you jungkookie'

That moment he found both of them and hoseok was already showing the rings and he saw how jungkook was still thinking

'No jungkook don't'

'Don't accept him'

'Please' i stepped forward wanting to go near and stop them but before i could do so i saw how jungkook nodded and accepted the rings from hoseok and i saw how happy hoseok is ...

My world is falling apart , no more future with jungkook , no more moments with jungkook , no more a life with jungkook


"Eomma what's that ? You got new ring?"

"Ahhh this ... let me tell you a good news"

The twins was waiting for jungkook to announce "eomma and hoseok ahjussi will get married" then taekook's smiles drops right away unlike hyungki he didn't know what to react . He still doesn't know about Taehyung is his appa only taekook does

"No !!! I don't want!!" Taekook suddenly stood up from the sofa tears streaming down on his face "what now ?! You're the one who said you want appa !"

"No I don't want !!! I just want you !!! Don't marry him eomma please !!!!" Taekook was crying really hard and jungkook pinching his necks confused what to say "no taekook ! This is for your future sons !"

"No !!!!! No !! I don't want !!! You're mean !! I hate you!!!" Taekook , it was his first time being this rebellious. He throws all the small cushions towards jungkook while screaming and crying "you brat !!! Come here !" Before he could pull taekook , "i hate eomma !!" taekook was fast and ran straight to his room with a crumbled heart

"A-appa ~I'm sorry"taekook was crying because of Taehyung "Appa ~ ...."'


"Oh my god Taehyung .... what happened baby?" That night Taehyung went straight to his mother's house . He was crying really hard and he can't even talk . He was crying while hugging his mother and resting his head on her shoulder , she let Taehyung cried and she stroked his backs softly trying to cool down him

He was a messed , like really messed and he don't even feel like living anymore . There's no point of living without jungkook

"Please kill me eomma ~ i- I don't want to live anymore~~"

"Taetae please ... don't be like this What happened? Tell me ?"

"I.. i want to marry jung-kook"

"Then go son , I'm not going to stop you anymore , you loves him"

"But eomma ...... he already acc-accepted someome else ... i .. i have no future with hi-him"

When she was about to open his mouth and soothe Taehyung she felt her body became heavier and heavier and soon he realised Taehyung's crying stopped . Taehyung collapsed


Jungkook I'm saying this as your friend

Are you sure about this ?

Marriage isn't a small thing

Are you really willing to love him with all your heart

I'm doing this for the twins

No you aren't

What r u saying

You accept him because you want to forget Taehyung

I know u still love him

He gave a lot of impact to ur life

No stop it jim I don't love him

I know u do , it just ur ego

Remember what i said kookie , put ur ego aside and think about this deeply

Or u will regret knowing that you married hoseok but u can't love him like u love taehyung


A bell rang and Taehyung's mother who was taking care of Taehyung who's still laying on the bed got disturbed at how rude that person was . Clicking the bell non stop

"Eomma !!!" It was seulgi , she happily hug the aged woman in front of him "don't call me eomma anymore"

"What are you saying eomma ?"

"Taehyung aren't gonna marry you so you better go home now , he's not feeling well" seulgi was dumbfounded knowing that the woman who's always on her side was acting like this to her

"Stop kidding eomma you're the one who told me that we're gonna marry soon"

"Not anymore, i realised my son's happiness is not on my choices so go now before i call the guard to drag you out" seulgi can't hold her anger anymore and unintentionally let it out on her

"What the fuck !! You fucking told me to leave how dare you old woman!"

Taehyung's mom smirked "good to know your true colours I'm glad i know you"

"Jungkook is more fucking way better than you" she shut the door off right on her face


"So this is because of jungkook ? Just wait you fucking slut you took everyone from me and now i will the one you loves"

Seulgi was smirking after planning something that could ruin jungkook's life . Seulgi were not acting normal anymore . She's like a crazy person now

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