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[yall I'm in a good mood so here another chapter]

Kim Taehyung POV

I entered the elevator bringing me to level 9 where i lived with my small cute family jeon jungkook and the twins hyungki and taekook

I walked through the hallway with smiles plastered on my face

"I can't wait"

Arrived at the front door i pressed the password and the door opened right away "I'm home!"

"Appa !!!!!" Taekook and hyungki said in unison running towards him showing their teeth

"I miss my sons" I kissed their cheeks hugged them happily "here appa bought you something" i gave them the paper bag contained the latest toys that they have been wanted

"Just your sons ?" I saw jungkook coming behind them , he had pastels pink apron on while crossing his hands together near to his chest with serious face

I gulped and walked to him "of course i miss you too kookie my cutie cupcake" i pecked his cheeks and then his lips and ended with a hugged " I'm happy you're still here , I'm scared with the thought of you running away from me" i said

"Awwwww t-taetae" jungkook pulled from my hug and look at me while holding my face as his thumbs caressing my cheeks "i will never leave you i told you but..."

"But?" I asked and then he leaned closer to my ears "you better don't make me regret it" goosebumps all over my body as he whispered that into my ears seductively

'What had gotten into him?'

"You're wild kookie" and he chuckled as he grabbed my laptop bag from my hands bringing it to our room "go and take shower first,  we will have dinner together i cooked you your favourite foods"

"Okay" i said and watched him as he vanished behind the door and ran to the kids who were busy playing with their new toys

"Taekook hyungki appa need your help"


"Oh my god fucking delicious more i want more rice"

"Tae it's your fifth bowl and you want more?" I nodded fast

"Oh god are you pregnant or something?" Jungkook said and i choked on my beef as he fast handed me a glass of water "sorry just kidding" he said "I thought I'm gonna die in a seconds"

"Not before I have my third child" i choked on my water this time , coughing harshly while hitting my chest as he laughed at me "you want more kid ?"

"Yeah let's make a soccer team"

"Damn kookie then tell me when you're ready by the way can you be my guest tomorrow for my next show ?" I asked him as my fingers fiddling with the hem of my shirt under the table because of how scared i was right now and then he looked up at me with a deep stares

'Fucking god he looks scary'

"For what?"

"Secret but pleaseeeeeee hmmmm please......" i acted cute showing my boxy smiles while winking my eyes few times

"Urghhh fine"


When jungkook fell asleep i woke up from my bed cautiously and took the phone with me and went out from the room walking straight to the balcony and called jimin

"Hello jimi-"

"H-hhello nnghh d-don't stop"

"Fucker wrong timing sorry dude!!"

"Y-yes but it-s mmmmhh okay what is it?"

"Errrrmmm errr is it really okay or should i call you later?"

"Just fucking said it aaahhhh fuck i-im really okay FUCKING MIN YOONGI I SAID MASSAGE MY LEGS NOT MY COCK!"

God damn it they're so loud and jimin was moaning like that I literally thought they're fucking but it's just yoongi giving jimin a massage ?! What the hell

"Bitch you !! Urghhh whatever okay i want you to help me tomorrow ......"


I ended the call after explaining jimin my plan for tomorrow and then i heard footsteps behind me walking towards me

Goosebumps all over my body like there's current flowing through my body to my spine

I didn't dare to look back I'm fucking scared what if there's a ghost in this apartment? Later right away i heard muffled voices sobbing from my back

'Shit help me!'

'There's fucking ghost in this house'

Then i felt someone breathing behind my back right on my neck still sobbing

'God please help me'

"Aarghhhhhhhhh!!!" I screamed as suddenly that someone wrapped his hands around my waist

"HEYYY WHAT THE FUCK!" and i looked at the figure "jungkook? Kookie !!! Is it really you ?"

"Yes kim Taehyung" he nodded as his eyes still watery "why are you crying?"

"I woke up and you're weren't there , I thought you leave me" Taehyung's heart became soft and use his thumbs to wipe the tears "you're my dream you're my life and I'm not going away from you" i pulled him near to me and kissed his lips passionately, kissing him at the balcony with a night views behind our back

What do you think ? I don't know if this chapter good enough hmmm

Btw I seriously love you readers, reading your comments really makes me feel happy 😃

fact about me :
I'm the eldest out of 9

Tell me 1 of your facts ?

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