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Jeon jungkook POV

"Congrats on your pregnancy and the baby is 1 week now"


"You're pregnant"

I couldn't believe that I'm pregnant and i hate it . Not when Taehyung said that he don't loves me anymore. And now I'm pregnant? Having his baby ? No .. no .. this will just hurt both of us physically and mentally.

"Doctor it just 1 week can i abort it ?"

"What ? Why are you doing that ? Of course it's possible but may i know your reason ?" Doctor with tag name seokjin asked curiously

"Because i think it's the best for both of us . His father , he don't need me anymore which means he don't need this baby too . Our relationship also a secret and no one knows about it but now I'm having his baby when everything has changed. This could hurt my baby more" i said emotionally as i know how it feels

The Doctor sighed and took a deep breath before spoke out "hey kid , listen here . I'm not gonna stop your choices because I don't have any right to do so but i think you're not doing it because of your baby but you're doing it for yourself. You don't want to have a child with the person who don't loves you anymore because you're scared that you will be hurt. Listen , i have a son too but his dad is nowhere. I couldn't find him because my parents took me and my baby away from him . I have been searching for him for years but it was all hopeless and there i hope he actually did the same too . Yes it was hard for me but you know my child give strength to me . Whenever i miss his father i take a look at his face and how I adore it because they look the same . That way i know that his father is with me even though I can't see it . This is what we called life kid . Nothing in this world is easy . Think about your baby . Now do you still want to abort this baby ?" I got so shocked that the Doctor in front of me could have this life too . Now I realised that it's not only me who's facing this harsh life there's still other who are more worse than me and i should be grateful


"What ?!!!! Pregnant? Oh god..." Jimin looks so lost while i look so calm . It's all because of Doctor seokjin , he opened up my eyes to see all this behind this cruel world . I wonder who is the father of his kids . That guy should be grateful for having seokjin in his life

"Calm down Jimin it's me who's pregnant not you" i said to confused jimin

"Okay okay .. so what are you gonna do now ? Are you gonna tell this to Taehyung ? You aren't even married to him I'm afraid jimin"

"Yeah i know . Me too . So I decided I won't tell him for the time being , when the time comes i will tell him"

"It's okay kook .. if he doesn't want you anymore remember you still have me and of course as your bestfriend remember we're both bottom"

"Shut the fuck up jimin with that bottom thing how about you and yoongi ? Is everything going well ?" That sudden question from me makes jimin goes all red and I think it's adorable. Haish this smol bean so cute

"Umm yeah about him ... I actually like him" jimin finally have a thing now to that yoongi . He's been single for a long time

"Did you tell him ?"

"What ? No !!! I'm afraid that i will be rejected. Man that will be so embarrassing"


I worked as usual without complaining even though sometimes they treated me like I was a trash . Ordering me around , make me buy drinks for them and make me do their works and yes Taehyung didn't defend me at all instead he just looked at me and continue do his work and now I felt my world that I built with him crumbling down within a seconds

"Jungkook!" The stylist noona called me suddenly which i ran to her right away

"Yes ?"

"Here you are ! Now please help me to take a look at this gown and make sure it's in good condition. Make sure no one touch or damaging it . I have to go and fix some problems"

"But .. but noona i have to prepare the backsta-" I couldn't even finish my sentence and noona vanishes in a second

"Aishh i guess i have no choice" i went to sit on one of the table and my eyes focused on that beautiful gown soon i dozed off without i realising it

An hour later I felt a hands shaking my body to wake me up and it was namjoon "kook .. kook ! Wake up ! The director got so angry because the backstage is not done yet and you're missing"

"Oh god shit ! Hyung I forgot about this I'm sorry"

"It's okay let's go" I followed namjoon to the backstage just to see angry director there "where the fuck did you go jungkook?!!! We're starting in few hours and the stage is not done yet !!" I flinched as i got so scared the fact that he yelled at me in front of tons of staffs here . Some are laughing and some are giggling. Not even one person give me sad look except for namjoon

"I'm sorry i fell asleep at the changing room because stylist noo-"

"No ! I don't want to listen to your crap now get your ass work and finished all your work!"

I nodded furiously like a stupid boy and went straight to the backstage and work my ass out with the sound check and everything to make sure there's no error happens during the recording

"Should i stop this ? I don't enjoy this work at all"

That's it I don't know . I think i will just stay . Stay near to Taehyung the guy that i loves and got so crazy . I touch my tummy and rubbed it softly "can't wait to mee you my baby"

I smiled. Seokjin is right, this baby really gives me strength even though it's only 3 weeks now but yes . My love for this baby keep growing

An update duh 😂

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