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Happy reading readers !

"Eomma !! Appa !! This is fun!!" Hyungki screamed as the Ferris wheel stopped where they're at the top of it enjoying the night view "eomma look ! I want to ride that after this" taekook said as his finger keep pointing on the roller coaster outside "me too !!" Hyungki joined while there's Taehyung sitting across of the twins and jungkook with a pale face

He's scared of heights but he forced himself since he once heard hyungki and Taekook talked to each other about wanting to come to theme park together with him and jungkook

Hyungki got really excited and hoped off from his seat and jumped excitedly "yeyeye!" Making the cubicles shaking

"Ya ya ya s-stop d-don't jump" Taehyung's voice stuttered as his face later got really pale and jungkook just laughs at it "Taehyung you still scared of heights" Taehyung doesn't reply because of how nervous he was . He couldn't even open his mouth and jungkook sighed . Jungkook got up from his seat and seat beside Taehyung and let the twins enjoy the view through the glass behind them

"You okay ?"



Jungkook sighed and pulled Taehyung's hands as he intertwined with him

"Does this makes you feel better?"



"Aishh so this doesn't work too?"



"Fine" Jungkook pulled Taehyung by the ties he wore and paste a kiss on his lips as his lips move passionately but he disappointed because Taehyung doesn't reply it . He breaks the kiss and pulled his face away from Taehyung but he got pulled right away "who told you to stop princess?" And Taehyung kissed jungkook back and soon both of their lips moving along enjoying the hot session together knowing that the twins were enjoying the view without looking at them

Little did they know the twins were actually watching them kissing through the reflection of the glass door .


"Huekkkk!" Jungkook pat Taehyung's back softly as Taehyung threw up after riding the rollercoaster that his sons requested

"Tae !! Oh god we ride a fucking caterpillar roller coaster for kids.."

"Eomma .." taekook called him

"Yes baby?"


"Ok ok wait for a while i need to take care of appa first"


"Yes hyungki"

"I need to poop"

Jungkook massaged his back neck "oh god taking care of three babies wasn't a good idea"


"So what do you call a gay scientist? Homo-genous HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA"




"Jimin you stole mine and that wasn't funny anymore" seokjin said as he sipped the wine

"Baby what did you do to jimin?" This time namjoon asked and seokjin rolled his eyes

"Seokjin get out of his head" yoongi added

"What ?! What did i do ?"

"You don't know what you did to him ?" Seokjin shrugged and namjoon focused on him

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