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"Arghhhhhhhh!!" Taehyung screams as he ruffles his hair "fuck!" He cursed under his breath .

"Stupid stupid stupid !" He cursed again for being stupid. No for being the most stupidest person ever in the world .

"I have to take him back" Taehyung said and he's not playing with it . He really mean it that he wants to take jungkook back to him and live together with the kids

The knock on the door hit him into realisation "come in" a boy named hyung won entered the office room "sir this is the information of jeon jungkook that you asked" he said as he handed the file to Taehyung which later Taehyung took it and thanked him and the boy left

He's going through one by one until he stopped at the pictures of his twins

"Hyungki , taekook.... i miss you sons"


Taehyung waited at the front gate of his twins kindergarten an hour earlier before their school ended. Thanks to hyung won he knows which school the kids attend

The school bell rang and bunch of kids went out running towards their beloved one and that's make him touched at that sight later he saw the twins running out from the gate searching for their eomma but there's is none and Taehyung eyes met with the twins

"Ahjussi !!" The kids ran towards Taehyung and how that time taehyung felt like he wants to cry

"Hi taekook hyungki" Taehyung greeted the kids

"Ahjussi what are you doing here ? Is your child attend this school too ?" Hyungki asked

"Yes but they don't know I'm exist ok forget that i came here because i want to see you guys , let's go somewhere fun do you want ?" Taehyung asked while he handed them lollipop which they gladly took it

"Ummm but ... we're waiting for eomma and uncle hoseok to pick us up" Taehyung knotted his eyebrows "who is uncle hoseok?"

"Eomma said uncle hoseok who took care of him while he was pregnant for us even now he still with us" Taehyung feels bad for not being there when jungkook needs him the most . He hurt himself by making jungkook suffering

"Don't worry kids , i already told your eomma that I'm going to pick you up and we're going to have fun all day !" Taehyung said excitedly same goes to the kids "really Ahjussi ? Yeayyyy !!!" Taekook squeals in excitement

'I'm sorry kids , i will text your eomma , i know he will be very mad at me for doing this but what to do ? You guys are my sons and i miss you guys'

Jungkook was searching for the kids around the school but none of them were seen and that makes jungkook worried and scared . He wouldn't forgive himself if something happens to the twins . He didn't realise the interview session dragged the time that much . A phone beeped showing he gots notifications and it was a text from unknown number

'Hi jungkook. It's me Taehyung, I'm sorry but please don't be mad at me , the kids are with me . Pls pls pls let me be with them for the whole day . I will drop them before 7pm at your house . I know what you're worrying for , I won't take them from you pls trust me . I will not even bring them near to seulgi or my mom and will not tell them who the real me. So pls just trust me and let me play with them for the whole day'

"Urghhh what the hell kim Taehyung" Jungkook stopped in his place and yes he's mad

"Hey hey kookie what's wrong ?" Hoseok stopped in his place too and went to jungkook near him "the twins are with his appa"

"What ? You mean Kim Taehyung? That announcer"

"Yes hyung , urghhhh I'm fucking mad how dare he have the nerve to go near them ! Seriously not a little bit i want my sons to go near him" Jungkook really mean it when he said he doesn't want the twins to go near him

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