2 // cabin & mess hall

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Linda was nice enough to offer to carry my bag but, I refused. It was way too heavy and I'd feel guilty to make her carry my shit load of stuff I had packed.

On my way, she showed me to where I could do my laundry in a specific cabin and the out houses were so we could go to the washroom.

"It's dead most of the time because, most teenagers don't know how to do laundry apparently." Linda laughed.

"That's good. I brought a lot of clothes that I'll need to wash over two months." I smiled back.

We finally made it to a cabin that had more faded numbering on it.


"Well, this is it. Did you want me to show you inside or do you think you could manage?" Linda questioned.

"I'm fine. I can take it from here. Thank you so much!" I said flashing her a quick smile starting to climb up the steps dragging my suitcase behind me.

I opened the door and was now standing in a long hallway which contained two doors on each side.


I didn't feel it was appropriate to just walk in even though I had a key. So, I knocked.

A girl with long, brown hair and glasses opened up the door for me.

She turned around.

"Hayley! Our roommate is here!"

Another girl with shorter, darker brown hair quickly showed up behind her.

"Hello." The girl who opened up the door said. "I'm Laura." She proudly stated pointing to herself. "And this is Hayley." She said pointing to the shorter girl behind her.

"Hi. " I said giving them an awkward smile and a small wave.

"I'm uh..Emma." I said sounding as if I've forgotten my own name.

"Well, you don't have to stay in the hallway. Why don't you come in?" Laura said adjusting her glasses.

I stepped in to see two beds already claimed and covered with a pillow and sleeping bag.

"We got here a while ago so we kinda just took over the beds." Hayley said jumping onto her bed.

"We hope you don't mind." Laura said also plopping onto her bed.

"No, no. It's fine I don't mind at all. Do you guys uh- know each other?" I questioned pulling out my sleeping bag and pillow and laying it down on the bed.

"Nope. We met about an hour ago." Laura said looking up from her nails.

"That's cool. Do you happen to know anyone else at this camp?" I said trying to be as social as possible.

"Nope." They answered at the exact same time.

I was about to question them again but, I was interrupted by a really loud bell sound from outside.

We all looked at each other until Hayley finally caught on.

She took out her phone to see it was 12:00.

Lunch time.

"It's time to go to the mess hall. They're serving lunch! You can unpack later." Laura said grabbing my arm.

"Oh, okay." I checked my pockets for my phone. Not that it would be any use but I could you it for checking the time or whatever.

Linda didn't happen to show me where we eat meals so I just followed my new roommates.

We reached a long, wide building that was beginning to fill with teens ages 16-19.

The three of us filled into a line and grabbed a red serving tray. We had the opinions of a ham and cheese sandwich or a vegetarian wrap. I went for opinion one.

There was also fruits like apples or oranges.

We made our way to the round tables where we found cups and pitchers of water.

Once everyone in the room was seated and starting on their meals, a councillor stood up and blew into her high pitched whistle.

"Attention! Hello, everyone. My name is Carol. We hope you enjoy your first lunch at Camp Well. Activities for the afternoon include free hiking and roaming around the camp. Please do not go beyond the fence located at the end on the forest trails because that is not our property. When you're finished, please throw your garbage in the garbage and put your trays in the bins provided at the front. Thank you!"

As I was taking the last bite of my apple, I noticed a familiar mop of curls staring at me from the table across from me. He smiled when our eyes locked and I gave a tiny smile back and looked away.

Laura and Hayley were easily engaged in a conversation about their high schools back home and I tried to get into it but all I could focus on was the boy across the room who's eyes just wouldn't look away from me.

Once I finished my meal, I told Laura and Hayley I would meet them back at the room because I needed to take a pill for my "headache" which was actually an excuse to get away.

I just wanted to go back and not socialize for a bit. I had a slight claustrophobia and I don't know how I'll be able to eat like that. I'll get to roam free though tonight until curfew which is set for 11:00.

I put my tray in the bin and threw out my trash.

I quickly left the building. I was looking back to see if my roommates finished their meals and hey were following me.

That wasn't really a good idea because I bumped into someone..again.

"Woah, clumsy! Better watch where you walk, babe."

I remembered that voice. The beautiful voice. It was him. With the curly hair, green eyes and the dimples deeper than I've ever seen. He was still unfortunately nameless.

"We have to stop meeting this way." I laughed rubbing my head.

"I'm sorry! Are you alright?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"Yeah, I'll live. Emma by the way." I said sticking my hand out.

"Ashton." He beamed taking my hand.

"Emma, do you happen to be hiking alone tonight?" He asked crossing his arms.

"No. I'm actually going to me- I mean my room. I need to uh..take a headache potion- I uh..sorry I meant pill." Jesus. I was stuttering like I didn't know English. C'mon, Emma. Pull yourself together.

"I think I hit you a little too hard, babe. Your words are a tad off. I'll let you get back. If you happen to change your mind, I'll be at the dock for a while." He said pointing towards the lake.

"Okay, I'll see you..Ashton."

"I hope to see you too, Clumsy." He said smirking and walking off.

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