30 // french & notes

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"Ash." I giggled against his lips. His corny jokes never failed to make me smile.

"Can't we just cuddle?" I asked as he ran his hands down my sides. I assume he so left a trail of goosebumps wherever he made contact.

"Nope." He said pulling me in for another kiss. They moved so delicately against mine. It was never forced or weird with Ashton. Sweet and passionate. The best kind.

"God you're so fucking sexy." He said latching his lips to my neck in the same spot as last time re marking the spot.

"Woah, Mr. Romantic over here." I said giggling at his compliment.

"Fine." He said down to my collarbone pressing gentle kissing along it.

"Bonjour, Emma. You're le fucking sexy and I want to have le sex with ces't une sexy girlfriend. Oui. Bon appetite." Ashton said using all different words he knew in French.

"I don't think that was proper French but you would be sexy if you spoke another language." I said wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him back.

"Tell me any language then, I'd learn it just for you." He said wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me into his side. We were spooning.

Just being in his presents gave me butterflies. Forget butterflies. My tummy felt like an entire zoo.

"Learn Japanese." I said jokingly laughing.

"That's out of the question." He said nuzzling his head into my sweater and breathing in.

"Your hair smells like apples." He said.

"Well, showering helps I guess." I said laughing.

"I have the best smelling girlfriend at this camp." He said pressing a kiss to the back of my neck.

"That you do, babe." I said slowly fluttering my eyes and drifting off into my dreams.


I was a little sad to see the empty spot in the bed next to me but then I remembered, we were at a camp.

If the councillors caught us in the same bed, there would be serious consequences.

I sat up rubbing my eyes and quickly glancing at my alarm.


I guess going to sleep early means an early wake up.

There was a note at the end of my bed and I'm surprised it didn't end up on the floor considering the amount if times I toss & turn at night.

Good-morning, baby,

Hope you had a good sleep. Wish I could've stayed with you all night. Talked to the boys when I got back to the cabin. Hayley is really upset and so are they. I passed by her when I left and her eyes were all puffy and red. I tried to talk to her but she pushed by me and ran to bed. She really mad at herself and the guys for not telling you about shit Laura was saying about you. I hope you can talk to them today. Hayley left a granola bar and water bottle on your night table. She also felt guilty for you not eating last night. I'll see you at our table.

- Ashton. (Oui, Oui)

PS. You look so fucking cute in your sleep.

I smiled at the note that was left. I folded it up and put it in the drawer beside my bed.


After a quick shower, brushing my hair and teeth and other bathroom things, I found myself slipping on my vans and heading out the door at 6:38. Breakfast wasn't until 7:30 so I had tons of time to spare. Ashton usually got up around 7:15 so he wouldn't be up. I thought I'd just go for a walk.

As I opened the door, a thin layer of fog surrounded the whole camp.

I started to walk towards the lake when I heard someone call out my name.

"Emma! Over here." He said from behind me.

"Oh, hey Luke." I said giving a small smile.

"What brings you out of bed so early? You were always the one to stay up super late and wake up later." He said tugging at his lip ring.

"Early sleep." I mumbled continuing to walk.

"Care if I join you?" He said following behind.

"I don't see why not." I answered


"And then he literally almost shit himself." Luke said laughing

"Seriously." I said laughing even harder.

"Yeah it was hilarious." He said walking up to the mess hall with me.

"It was a great morning." He said smiling.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" I said back.

"Definitely.." He said awkwardly wrapping his arms around me but pulling me in for a hug.

I walked over to our table.

My bagel was already set out. I was starving.

"Who did this?" I asked pointing to my plate.

"I did." Hayley gave a little wave.

"Oh." I said taking a small bite.

"Emma." Michael started.

"I'm so sorry. I should've told you and I'm such an idiot. I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry. I'm so, so super sorry." Hayley said running her fingers through her hair.

"You know what." I started off.

"I shouldn't be mad at you guys. You were just trying to keep me happy." I said.

"Right." Calum said finally speaking up.

"So, I'm sorry for freaking out. It was pointless. I forgive you." I said smiling.

"Good. Now let's eat and talk shit about the shit talker." Ashton said laughing and pressing a kiss to my temple.


{A/N. HEYY. This was lame sorry lol. Trying to think of more ideas. Hope you liked it though. Keep voting and commenting! xx}

{PART TWO TO AUTHORS NOTE. people were confused on what happened with Laura. she talked lots of shit about Emma to the others but nobody told her and that's why she got mad. laura got taken home after a bad sickness and that's when the new came out. sorry for confusing you!}

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