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A/n: you can watch the trailer above^

"Hey dumbass? Wake up!" He poked your cheeks with his finger in order to wake you up.

"Get lost!" You groaned as you took a pillow and hit him with it.

"This is my room." He stated, still bothering you by playing with your hair.

"Whatever." You shrugged him off.

Seeing how peaceful it was for awhile, you guessed that he had left.


You guessed wrong.

"What the f*ck?!?!" You jolted up when you felt cold water hitting your entire body.

"Yah!" You glared at your best friend who was holding an empty bucket which probably used to contain the water in which you were currently soaked.

"I told you to wake up nicely, didn't I?" He teased you while sticking out his tongue.

"You're dead if i catch you!!" You warned him as you stood up and started chasing him.

"With legs as short as yours, i don't think you'll be able to catch me even in your dreams." He shouted back teasingly while running downstairs.

Both of you reached the kitchen and Taehyung hid behind his mother, using her as a barrier to stop you.

"Woah! Woah! Calm down. Why are you wet y/n?" His mother asked in a caring tone.

"Eomma~ Tae threw water at me." You pouted as if you were a 5 year old.

"Tae, why did you do that?" She took your side and scolded him.

Mrs. Kim, eventhough she was Tae's mother, loved you and always took your side. She considered you as her own daughter and you too would casually call her your eomma (*meaning mom).

"Aren't you my mom? Your supposed to take my side not hers." He pouted.

"But she loves me more than you." You teased him.

"Come on now, you two. If you keep fighting like this I wont be feeding you anything." Mrs. Kim warned both of you.

"Oh no! Please! Food is lifeu." Both of you sat down on the table as obedient children.

"Why don't you go and change y/n?" She spoke from behind the kitchen counter.

You were soaking wet because of a certain somebody and you really did need to change.

"Okay! I'll be right back." You exclaimed before going upstairs to Taehyung's room in order to change your clothes.

You opened the cupboard and found both yours and Tae's clothes hanged in there.
Why were your clothes there? Because you spend most of your time in this house, maybe more than you spend at your own house.
You reached out your hand to take your black T-shirt but stopped when your eyes landed on Taehyung's white shirt.
Instead of wearing your own clothes you decided to take revenge and wore his clothes which looked totally oversized for you. Eventhough your idea of revenge seemed stupid, For you, it was a master plan.

He would have to wash the clothes that I wore.

You slightly chuckled at the idea before heading back down.

He gulped and stared at you as soon as he saw you wearing his white shirt paired with blue shorts which were barely visible due to the oversized shirt.

"Is that my sh.."

Before he could finish, you cut him off.

"Yes, it is. Do you have a problem?" You teased him again.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now