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"I want you to do something for me, Jackson."

"What is it this time?"

"Stop doing research on that incident I told you about last time. I have something else for you to do."

"I'm listening."

"I need you to spy on y/n."

"No can do, sorry."

"Well that was an order."

"Well I don't care about your orders anymore."

"Why you- ungrateful brat!! Have you forgotten what my husband did for you?!"

"No I haven't but I also haven't forgotten what you did to that poor man."

"What the hell are-"

"Don't try playing dumb. You told me to stop looking into that accident right? Did it ever cross your mind that I might've already found out everything?"

"Are you trying to accuse me of something?"

"How could I? You're still legally his wife so out of respect for him, I 'm gonna let you slide but that doesn't mean I've forgiven you nor does it mean I'm going to do whatever you say like I once did before."

"You dare-"

"Yes I do dare and because I feel pity for you, Let me give you an advice. Stop obsessing about the school so much and don't keep on trying your luck. We both know that you're hiding something more, something that might cost you alot."

"Jackson! Stop right there!!"

"Don't worry, I won't be telling anyone, although I'm sure they'll figure it out themselves."

"Where are you going then?!"

"Oh! didn't I make it clear? I'm done with your shit madam principal. I'm retiring from this job."

"Hey!! You can't just-"

"Yes I can and I am." Jackson emphasised before leaving the room and slaming the door shut behind him.

He could hear the sound of breaking glass from behind the door.

She's probably breaking her own antiques, he thought and went on his way.

He picked up his phone to dial a number he could have never imagined him calling, but then again he also didn't know everything would unravel like this.

The phone rang for a few seconds before the person on the other side picked it up.

"Hello?" The voice spoke

"Yo! My man!" Jackson's over enthusiastic voice made the person roll his eyes

"Jackson." He responded, annoyance laced clearly in his tone.

"How ya been?" Jackson acted as if they were the closest of friends.

"Cut to the chase."

"Well ya see, I'm kinda jobless now so I was hoping you could-" jackson's voice was cut off as the person abruptly ended the call and sighed.

Well, what was I even hoping for, Jackson spoke to himself

He continued his way to god-knows-where, drowned in his own chain of thoughts.
The atmosphere was as silent and peaceful as it could be till his phone suddenly lit up with a notification.

He had received a message from the same person who had just hung up on him and somehow seing the persons message made his eyes light up and an unknowning smile stretched across his face.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now