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"Tae~ you said you know who it was. Please~ tell me." You whined, walking behind him.

"Why?" He asked, opening the door to his house.

"So that i can date him." You mindlessly answer, entering house behind him and closing the door after you.

You turn to face Taehyung but your stunned by weight pinning you towards the door.

"Do you really wanna date somebody that badly?!" Tae's eyes become darker then usual.

Your voice doesn't come out.

"If you want to date somebody....." He leans in closer, his hot breath hitting your lips. "Then....." He comes closer, your lips almost touching his. "You can't let me do this to you...." He whispers on your lips.

You don't move at all.

He comes closer but hugs you tightly, resting his head on your shoulder and hiding his face on your neck.

"I think I'm sick." He feverishly says.

You touch his forehead and he was burning hot.

"I think so too." You hug him tightly before taking him to his room.

"Just lay down here." You tuck him inside the bedsheets and head downstairs.

Stupid heart.... these little things shouldn't make you flutter so much....

His parents were at work and he was alone. He needed somebody to take care of him. And you were that somebody.

You took some piece of cloth and luke warm water before heading upstairs.

"Stay still." You dipped the cloth in the water and drained it before wipping his forehead, neck and chest. You repeated the process and you took the cloth and water away afterwards.

You cooked some porridge and headed upstairs with a bowl of porridge.

You places the bowl on the bedside stand, beside a jug of water and took out some pills from one of the drawers.

"Tae?" You softly called him and he slightly opened his eyes.

"Here... Sit straight." You helped him up.

"Ahh...." He opened his mouth and you placed a spoon full of porridge in it.

You fed him all of the porridge and after eating he layed back down.

"I'll be back after half an hour for your medicine." You informed, heading towards the door.

"No." He held your wrist back and pulled you closer making you fall on the bed, beside him. "Please... Stay with me..." He hugged you tightly making you chuckle.

"Okay." You chimed, playing with his hair.

You both fell asleep in eachothers embrace.


Taehyung's P.O.V.

"Omg~ they look so cute together."

"Shhh~ don't wake them up."

"Take pictures of this or they'll deny it."





"Mom~ get out!" I whined.

"Okay honey. I'll leave you love birds to it." The both proud parents left, chuckling.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now