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Wanna know what hurts more than a rejection?


It's loving your best friend who has no idea you love them.




"I think you should talk to Jungkook." Tae advices


"He seriously looks miserable right now."

Jimin glanced at the boy who sat alone at the lunch table on the other side of the cafeteria with a sulking expression and deep dark circles clearly visible on his face.

"Well not my problem." Jimin stated cold-heartedly 

"You do know that he was just joking around, right?"


"Leave it tae. They'll make up eventually. He can't stay mad at his bunny forever." You spoke.

"I'm not going back on my word this time. I meant it when I said I'm gonna get over him." Jimin responded.

"So you're just gonna end things like this? End your friendship without ever even trying?"


"Damn! You both drive me crazy!" You gritted your teeth at the level of selfishness shown by your friend.

"So what else do you want me to do? Forget everything and go back to how it used to be? Pretend to be a good friend and hide my feelings towards him? Do you know how hard it is to hide the fact that you love your best friend?"

"Ofcourse I know, Cause I have been doing it for the last 10 years. And do you know how many times I have hated myself for it? I hate myself for never expressing how I truly felt. If taehyung hadn't said anything and had been a coward like me then we would still have been lying to ourselves with the title of a best friend."

"Your case is different. Both of you liked each other."

"And how do you know Jungkook doesn't?"

"Cause he's not gay, y/n!!"


"I had always hoped for a chance, wished that maybe I could be an exception but in the end of the day, he would still be only attracted to girls. I am his friend and once he finds out how I see him, he'll naturally be disgusted."

"Oh come on. There's nothing natural about that muscle pig."

"You'll never know unless you try." Taehyung spoke.

"And I don't wanna. I don't want him to look at me with disgust. End of discussion." 


*6 month ago*

"So, what do you want to drink today?" Jungkook looked at me with those same twinkling eyes that I adored so much.

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