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"Jungko-" you stopped in your spot as you realised the hospital room was entirely empty. You looked around in search of the dark haired boy but you couldn't find anyone in this previously occupied room.

"Where's the patient in room 210?" You asked the nurse who seemed to be walking down the corridor.

"Mr. Jungkook? He was discharged this morning." The nurse spoke

"He was in a coma. How could you discharge him so soon?"

"His father was the one who rushed it and as he was his guardian we couldn't do anything but listen."

"Do you know where he might be right now?"

"No. Sorry." She bowed and left

You sat down at the couch as you wondered on what to do next. The mere thought of never seeing him again scared you.

"Miss y/n?" A stern voice spoke and you looked up to the owner of the voice to find a black suited familiar looking man.


"Are  you ready to meet Mr. Jeon now?" As he spoke, you realised why he was so familiar. He had been the same guy who came to collect you previously but your dads men interfered and stopped him.

"Let's go." You spoke fully aware of the danger that may come to pass but this was a chance you weren't willing to lose. You could meet jungkook again or atleast get some answers for your question.

The man led you to a silver SUV and drove off to the destination.

The car came to a halt and you got out, eyeing the huge ass mansion.

"please follow me, Miss." A butler came forward and spoke with a bow. As instructed, you followed the middle aged man inside the mansion where he led you into a room.

"You may go in." He opened the door for you and stepped aside as you stepped into the room.

It was a office. There was a huge book shelf towards your righthand side and a table placed in the centre, standing behind which was a man, back facing you.

"Excuse me?" You spoke up

"Y/n?" The man turned and you could now see his face. At first glance, you knew he was jungkook's father as he resembled him alot, "it's been so long since i have seen you. If i remember correctly, you were 12 years old at that time." He spoke with a warm smile as if you had known eachother for a long time.

"Mr. Jeon?" You replied

"You must be wondering why you're here."

"You had something to discuss with me, did you not?" You asked, straightening up and taking a seat in front.

"Something to tell, infact." He spoke and sat down before continuing, "This meeting is a secret from my son and i expect it to be such." He looked at you as if expecting an answer.

"Can't tell if I don't even see him now can I?"

"Smart." He chuckled, "I wanted to tell you about what happened 6 years ago." The sentence perked up your interest as your eyes lit up in anticipation of what he was going to say next, "I had a job offer, a collaboration project worth millions of dollars. One of the biggest projects we got. It was quite beneficial for our companies but your father and I were against it and without our consent the project was doomed. It was profitable but very harmful for some people, it could destroy orphanages and some local public hospitals so we decided to reject it."


"Well not everyone was happy with our decision. The project was passed once again for evaluation and again we rejected it. Then it was passed for the third time. If it was rejected for the third time then it would be rejected completely and could not be suggested again. Some members of the meeting decided to take matters in their own hands and kidnapped you in order to blackmail your father into not attending the meeting at all. Without your fathers support, I would have lost the votings and the project would have been sanctioned. I didn't know about it."

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now