41 (final chapter)

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Currently sitting in her room, y/n was very much flustered to decide on what to wear.


Jimin was way beyond flustered as he stared at the ceiling, recalling a certain incident that took place the day before.

Taehyung had his heart in his hands as he rechecked everything on the list and continuously fixed his tie.

Jungkook was...... Just Jungkook, he was sleeping in late as usual.

Today's occasion? A party.

But calling it just a party would be rude and ignorant. It was a once in a year moment that everyone anticipated and looked forward too.

The grand red rose ball, hosted by the rich and invited only the rich. Common people would probably never even get a chance to know the venue. It was a Valentine's day party, worked a bit differently but hoisted a lot of couples who'd get married later the year.

It was a party where the parents played matchmaking and forced their children into meeting someone similar to them on a diplomatic stage. Other then meeting and matchmaking, it was also a party where most of the young couples introduced their lovers to their parents and thanks to the unwritten rule, whoever the couple was, if they confessed in the red rose ball, the parents were supposed to give their blessings no matter what and the couple would soon be engaged to one another.

Everyone had expectations and plans just for this day.


"You can do it."
"Believe in yourself."
"You're the man"
Taehyung kept chanting to himself as he paced around the room, gazing at the clock every once in a while.

It probably took more than the courage he had to make this plan. Maybe it's too soon but what was the point of waiting. If there's one thing he learned from life, it would be the saying that 'time waits for no one. You can chase it as much as you want but once passed, it won't come back.' so why waste it anymore?

Just as he was dying in anxiety, his phone rang with a loud ringtone scaring the hell out of him.


"Yo bro!"

"Why the hell are you calling me at 6 in the morning?"

"Why the hell are you even awake at 6 in the morning?"


"Right~ matters....? Please tell me those matters aren't related to the red rose ball tonight?"



"What is it?"

"It's about uncle."

"Dad? What about him?"

"You're probably not gonna like what I tell you."

"Over with it please."

"He wants you to meet someone today."

"Don't joke around."

"I'm not. You probably know the girl, she attended the same high school as you. I don't know if I should congratulate you or help you run away from home."

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