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Taehyung's P.O.V.

With a low thump, I knocked on the brown, wooden worn down door. A minute passed with no reply. I knocked again and once again i recieved no reply.

"Are you sure this is the right house?" I asked Namjoon who was standing beside me while taping his foot impatiently on the ground.

"No reply means we got the correct house." He gave me a smirk before pulling out a gun from his back pocket and shooting at the door knob. I wondered why he had a gun but i did not want to question it. I just thought that he came prepared for every scenerio possible. With a few more shots of round, the door knob fell apart and the door creaked open.

Being the older one, Namjoon was the first one to kick the door wide open and step inside and i followed behind him.

'Old' was the first thought i had when i entered the house. Surely the house was built around 10 or 20 years ago but it owed its looks to the vintage choice of the owner. The ground was covered with a designer dark red coloured carpet, the walls were tinted with a milky cream colour and along the stairs on the wall were hung some photoframes in a tidy manner. The bright light of the sun peeked through the frail red curtains that danced along with the wind that gushed through the open window.

The window!

The window dangled open which meant that the house wasn't abandoned. I rushed towards the window to see if there were any signs of escape but to my demise i saw nothing and instead i heard someone shifting behind me.  It wasn't Namjoon, that i knew for sure.

"Hands up!" Namjoon yelled from behind, probably pointing at this unknown person.

I slowly turned around just to be met by a middle aged man holding a gun pointed at me. He held the gun with his shaky hands. He was scared but i was more scared. He wouldn't shoot me but what if he pulled the trigger by mistake with his trembling hands? Don't judge me, it's possible.

"Drop the gun, Mr. Wang." Namjoon ordered sternly.

"Mr. Wang? Hello." I tried to act more friendly but he only flinched when I brought my hand forward for a handshake. "You're Jackson's father aren't you? I'm his friend." I said retrieving my hand awkwardly.

"J-Jackson?" The man trembled

"Yes, Jackson. He sent us to check up on you." I lied trying to make him drop his gun.

"Jackson would never do that." The man straightened out his arms even more and got ready to pull the trigger as fear left his mind and was overtaken by another emotion, anger or guilt maybe?

"Wait. wait. wait." I panicked as Namjoon also got ready to shoot the man down. "I lied. I am not Jackson's friend. My name is Kim Taehyung, the heir of the Kim's co-orporation. We are here to ask a few questions that's it."

"What type of questions?"

"You used to work for Jeon's, didn't you?"

"I-I did."

"Do you remember how Mrs. Jeon died?"

"Get out!" The man yelled upon hearing her name.


"Get out before the cops come. I've already contacted them."

"Then let them come." Namjoon spoke as he lowered his gun and placed it back inside his pocket, "You see, with the cops it's much easier for us as well." He smirked at the man, "Right now you are a witness of a murder and I could turn you into a suspect anytime. So what would you choose?"

"W-what do you people want?" The man trembled and one thing was for sure, he was hiding something, something big.

"That night, you were driving. I want you to tell me what happened that night."

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now