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A/n: double update for all you angels😘

Jungkook's P.O.V.

"Hey sis! Why'd you wanna see me?" I asked her as i entered my brother's apartment.

"Namjoonie didn't tell you?"

"What?" I simply asked

"I gave you two letters. One for y/n and one for Taehyung but y/n received more then that, don't you think? Do you have something to admit, Jungkook?"

"I......." I was at loss of words.

"Why did you not do the job properly? My brother is going crazy because of you." She said as she stood up from the sofa and stepped closer.

"I gave them the letter but after seeing y/n so happy, i decided to write another one and before i knew it, i became her secret admirer." I admitted

"Hmmm.. what do i do with you? Do you like her?"

"....I....love her..." I said harshly bitting my bottom lips.

"Now you're putting me in a bind. Whom should i support? My brother or my brother in-law? Why did you two have to fall in love with the same person.....?" She ruffled her hair in confusion.

"I told you not to do anything." Namjoon appeared holding up two cups of coffee, one of which he gave to her and the other which he sipped for himself, "Do you want coffee?" He asked me just in case to which i kindly declined, "i told you not to write the letter in the first place. I don't know what goes inside your head honey." He sighed as he talked to his wife.

"I just thought, Maybe if tae were to be challenged, then he would've just confessed. He has been in love with her since forever, Does it make sense that he still hasn't told her? I mean... Look at us, you proposed to me right after dating for an year and we got married. What would've happened if you hadn't told me how you felt? I would've just thought that you aren't that into me and would've left you and moved on." She retorted.

"I don't know why but my heart just broke hearing you say that about us." Namjoon held onto his chest as if he was hurt.

"I'm sorry, honey~ but i still don't regret my decision. Atleast, due to those letters, something changed between them." She said

"But why'd you call me today?" I asked impatiently

"End it, Jungkook. Tell y/n the truth, the whole truth cause that's the only way to end it clean. I won't tell you to dissolve your feelings for her but atleast sort them out. Y/n's a good girl, she cares about those close to her, alot. I'm sure she'll be shocked and hurt to know that it was all a lie but revealing that lie yourself would hurt her less then hearing it from anothers mouth. Tell her the truth, Jungkook. And do it soon." She said with sympathy in her eyes.

"My wife is really wise, isn't she?" Namjoon boasted

"She sure is... I'll do it, i'll do it myself but i just need some time." I answered

"Take your time but do it fast cause we can't turn back time." Namjoon adviced.


"It's........." Jin smirked on purpose, "a human."

"Ofcourse it is." You scoffed in irritation.

"Well y/n?" The nurse came out after treating Sunmi's wounds, "you sure beat her up nicely. At one point, i thought i had to take her to the hospital to check for any internal injuries." She chuckled.

"Is she gonna be alright?" You asked worriedly.

"She'll be fine." The nurse shrugged, "but I'm afraid the same can't be said for you. The principal wants to meet you."

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