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"Do you think we're wrong for interfering with his matters?" You asked taehyung.

"It doesn't really matter what I think." He replied.

"Because people have different opinions and it's his life so what we think is right might not be what he thinks is right and maybe nobody knows what the right thing actually is. What we are doing might actually be a wrong decision but what he's doing is also wrong so the real correct choice of decision is still unknown?"

"No." Taehyung responded with a blank stare, "because if I think we are wrong then I wouldn't be here supporting you."

"Oh.... Right." You spoke as you searched for jungkook's locker.

It was already 9 p.m. and there was no one in school except for you, taehyung and the security guard who let you in just because you were in fact the owner of the school. It felt actually good to have this kinda power.

After searching for about half an hour, you finally found the boy's locker and spent the next half an hour trying to break it open without breaking the lock. Which was kind of a waste of time because there were spare keys of all lockers kept at the principal's office incase of any emergency and this was an emergency for which you spent another half an hour searching for the Key's to his locker from a bundle of a thousand other keys.

Both you and taehyung jumped in delight when you had finally managed to open the locker.
You placed the dairy that you had brought into his locker with a note on top saying, wishing you all the best... by your fairy godmother (;

"By the way, where did you find this thing from?" You asked taehyung

"He left it behind during class..... He's..... really out of it now days." Taehyung answered

"I just hope this helps."

"We can't do anything else." Tae speaks up, "If in the end Jungkook doesn't like Jimin then that's it. We can't force him to like Jimin. It's his heart and it's his choice."

"But.... I just really want them to be together." You responded in a whiny tone.

"Why? Because they remind you of yourself?" Taehyung smirked.

"Yeah. It took us almost 10 years or more to finally overcome our fear and confess and I know how much I suffered while I had to wait. I know how much time we wasted in thinking 'what if'. And I honestly regret it. I should've been honest with you a long time ago. And maybe my regret is the reason I want to help these two. I don't want them to make the same mistake I did. I don't want them to feel the same regret I feel." You replied with raw honesty and naked emotions.

"And they might have it worse than us. Atleast we are together now. If it goes on like this, maybe they'll forever live in regrets." Taehyung added.

"Yeah. That's why we are the good guys." You grinned proudly.

"Good guys? Sure." Taehyung copied your grin as you closed the locker and headed back home knowing there was nothing more you could do for them. It was all in jungkook's hands now.

He had the chance to decide what he wanted.


The next morning Jungkook found a surprise in his locker.
There was a mysterious unfamiliar book placed inside jungkook's locker with a small note on top; wishing you all the best... by your fairy godmother (;

"What's the heck......?" He picked up the book, now that he looked closer at it, he realized that it was a diary and not just a random diary but a diary that belonged to his best friend.
Curiosity took control over him and he opened it.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now