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"Hey jungkook?" You suspiciously looked towards your side.

"Hmm" the said boy hummed in response.

"Wanna race?" Before he could even reply, you sprint off at a high speed but he was still faster and able to catch you easily.

"Where do you think you're going?" He teases when he overruns you.

"Yah! That's not fair~ slow dow-... J-jungkook....?" You stop at your tracks and breathlessly call him.

"Y/n?" He slows down and turns around before running directly towards you with a worried expression. "Y/n?! Are you okay?? What happened??" He bombards you with questions holding you upright with his arms.

"I'm.......... okay!" You take the chance to push him back and sprint forward.

"Yah!" You could hear footsteps growing loudly behind you.

A wall comes in front of you and you stop at your tracks, turning around to tease Jungkook about losing but unlike you, Jungkook couldn't control his speed and ends up coliding with you.


"Aww~" you groan in pain trying to get back up but his heavy body limits your movements.

"Aish!" He moves his head back to face you, supported by his arms on either side of your head.

"Well this is a great view." He flirtatiously says with a smirk.

"Well you aren't the one in pain." You say through your gritted teeth.

"Are you hurt?" Worry takes over his expression and he tears his body away from yours.

"Ah~" you wince at the pain on your wrist which kinda twisted during the fall.

"Let's go to the nurse." He suggests and helps you stand up.

"No I'm okay.." you try to convince him.

"No you aren't. If you don't go willingly, i'll be dragging you there." He threatens

"I'm fine." You say again but hearing this, Jungkook picks you up and throws you over his shoulders.

"Let's go." You could sense the playfulness in his voice as he starts heading towards the infirmary.

"Yah! Let me down!" You manage to say but to no use.

"Here we go." He places you down on the patient's bed.

"Oh y/n, it's been awhile. What happened?" The nurse asks

"He happened." You simply answer glaring at Jungkook who chuckles

"She hurt her wrist." He tells her.

"Let me see" she holds up your wrist to examine it, "it's gonna be swollen." She informs "i'll treat it for you but it might take awhile."

"I have class so I'll get going." Jungkook informs before heading out.
Silence engulfs the atmosphere when he leaves.

"So? Did you and your family solve it out?" She asks applying some ointment on my wrist.

"Kinda. My aunt.... She's not gonna get this school... I'll make sure of it.."

"You still hate her?"

"Ofcourse i do. She's the worst thing that happened to me. Due to her, i don't even get to see my uncle anymore."

"Your uncle still believes her?"

"He's blinded by her. He doesn't even wish me on my birthday's anymore. It's like I'm dead for him." Tears brim in your eyes.

"I'm sure he still loves you. He'll come to understand you after sometime. Don't worry." She tries to calm me.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now