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A/n: don't play the song ^ yet. Play it when i tell u too.





I picked up my phone after it rang for the nth time.

"Hello?" I said groggily.

"Hoseok, it's me, Sunmi." She spoke from the other line and i hung up on her, going back to my interrupted sleep.



The sharp ringtone again woke me up and i picked up the phone.

"What is it?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Y/n.... Your fiancé, due to whom you dumped me. Do you know where she is right now? With whom? And doing what?" The voice spoke agitated.

"I don't know.... Didn't you call me to tell me that?"

"She's on a date...... With taehyung....... At the amusement park."

"................so?" I tried to not let my voice change. I wanted to seem unaffected by her words but the truth was, her words hit me like a train.

"So?! Didn't you love her?! Isn't she your fiancé?! Didn't you leave me for her? Are you not even a least bit affected by this?" She spat, anger visible on her tone.

Why was she angry? Because she thought i'll leave y/n and come back to her. She thought that this information could ruin me.

"Affected? Why should i be? In the end, she's mine and she'll end up marring me so does it matter what she does right now? It's her life so I'm letting her live it."

"Hoel! I can't believe you. You're a really heartless jerk aren't you?"

"If that was all then bye." I hung up abruptly and jolted my body up from my bed, making my way towards my closet before pulling out a jacket and a pair of black jeans.

I took my car keys after changing my clothes and drove my way towards the amusement park. I didn't know which amusement park they went to so i had to go to every single one of them.

I was about to give up my search after checking out the last amusement park left but looking at the sky gave me a new clue.

I ran towards the nearest park which was actually called the swan lake park and was y/n's favourite place. She used to come here during the night because she liked the view and she liked the fact that there weren't many people around, at night.

I ran and ran throughout the park, calling and yelling her name over and over again till i finally found her.

Her faint figure was facing Taehyung and the lamp above made the view pretty clear.

I moved my body towards them, sighing in relief till Taehyung moved forward towards her and kissed her.
I stopped at my tracks, not believing what i was seeing. I stood there shocked as i finally managed to speak out something but all i was able to speak out was her name.

"Y/n........?" I pathetically spoke out her name, wanting her to tell me that it wasn't her.... but... that was impossible.

They pulled away and turned towards me in shock.

"H-hoseok.....I...." She stuttered, words not coming out of her mouth.

I was broken. The scene in front of me shattered my heart.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now