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⚠warning: verbal abuse may be mentioned ahead⚠

"What the hell happened to you?! Why are you bleeding??" Jin raised his voice as soon as he saw your bloody state.

"I'm fine." You replied as if nothing happened.

"Trust me, she's fine but......" Taehyung shifted his gaze somewhere behind you, "she isn't..." He said pointing towards the girl who was being carried towards the infirmary.

"What the-?" Jin shifted his gaze in confusion.

"Well~" Taehyung started explaining, chronologically the events that took place during Jin's absence.


Jin went to keep your watch in your bag and you headed towards the field but unfortunately you bumped into the most unexpected person, Sunmi, your fiance's ex-girlfriend.

"Yah!! Watch where you're going, bitch!!" She shrieked as if you had already pissed her off with your mere presence.

"Bitch? Isn't that too much. I bumped into you and I'm sorry but you were also partially at fault. Calling an unknown person bitch is going too far, don't you think?" You tried to maintain your calm

"What?! Unknown person?! You stole my boyfriend and now you're trying to fake innocence??"

"Boyfriend? Who? I'm sorry but i don't know you and i don't think i need to hear anything from you for what your jerk of a boyfriend did." You retaliated

"Wah! Look at you forgetting about your fiancé already."

"Fiancé? Hoseok? You're his girlfriend?"

"We met, don't you remember?! Wah! I can't believe he's wasting his life on a person like you."

"I'm sorry but i seriously don't remember you. Hoseok has had several girlfriends throughout the time, you don't expect me to possibly remember each one, do you?" You sarcastically asked, "and excuse me but what do you mean by wasted on a person like me? You don't even know me yet you dare judge me?!"

"You're really something aren't you?" She scoffed

"And what exactly do you mean?"

"A bitch who doesn't care about her fiancé and a slut who goes on fucking different people everyday. Should i say more?"

"Excuse me!! But who do you think you are to judge my character?!" You snapped

"It's true, isn't it?! You have Hoseok yet you went on a date with Taehyung, dare to flirt with jimin and Jungkook on every chance you get. I'm sure you even fucked every single one of them, didn't you?!"

"That's it." You slapped her and you slapped her hard causing her cheeks to bleed a little due to the contact with your ring, "You have no right to say anything about me. Taehyung is my best friend and i care for him just like i do with jimin and Jungkook. Second of all, I don't flirt or go on dates, let alone fuck them. we just hang out like normal friends but i guess you'll never know because your slutty ass doesn't have any friends except for your friends-with-benefits type! Don't you dare speak trash about me or my friends."

"Yah!" She clutched your hair and forcefully pulled it making you yelp in pain.

"Let go!! Let go before i break your hand!!" You managed to say through gritted teeth.

"You think you're a big deal, don't you? You think you can step on anyone, don't you? Well not everyone is beneath you and somebody needs to show you your rightful place." She said pulling you by your hair and thrashing you against the locker causing you to hurt yourself, the metal lock on the lockers thrashed your skin and it started to bleed. Then she kicked your stomach in your vulnerable state.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now