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*A useless flashback*

Twelve years old Taehyung's P.O.V.

"What are you planning y/n?" I asked her.

"Nothing~" she cooed

"Don't do anything stupid......alright....?" I was suspicious of her.

"It's fine. I won't do anything 'stupid'." She said, emphasizing on the word stupid.

"......" I raised an eyebrow at her. "Yah!" I yelled when she ran away.

"Y/n! Come back!" I wanted to run after her but she was already far ahead so i just stood there yelling before finally giving up and going home.



I stood infront of y/n's house waiting for someone to open up.

"Annyeonghaseo~" i greeted the middle aged maid who opened the door.

"May i help you, young master?" She politely asked me with a warm smile.

"I'm here to see y/n." I informed her and she immediately invited me in before leading me to y/n's room.

"Miss? Young master is here to see you." She knocked on the door but with no response.

"Miss?" She knocked again as i started getting nervous.

"Miss? I'm coming in." She spoke before she opened the door And to my demise there was no one inside.

"Miss y/n?" She searched throughout the room but in vain. The maid became anxious and worried as she started calling y/n's parents, i presumed.

I started panicking and ran out in search of her.

Did she.......run away......????

I searched for three hours straight, called her parents, went to every possible place i could think of but still no sign of her.

I headed to her room again and waited for her to come but she never did. Her parents were doing everything they could to search for her. They called the police but even the police couldn't help.

I went home after they convinced me to but i couldn't sleep. How could i when i knew y/n wasn't sleeping safely at home.

Unknowingly tears welpt up in my eyes but i didn't dare cry afterall, there was still a chance that she was safe.

But that reasoning ended when her parents got a call the next day. The kidnapper asked for a hefty amount of money but money wasn't a problem to her family. They were ready to pay whatever the kidnapper needed. All they wanted in return was for their daughter to come back home safely. They looked broken down and vulnerable, i have never seen them like that but their state only proved how much they cared for her.

The money was readied, time and place was decided but on that day, the kidnapper never came to collect the money which meant i couldn't see her.

It had already been 3 whole days which felt more like years for me. I was breaking down day by day. I was just a little 12 year old boy whose bestfriend since forever had been kidnapped.

I overheard a conversation between her parents and the police in which the police was breaking their hope.

"The kidnapper should have contacted you but as i see he didn't, there might be a chance that something went wrong. I'm sorry...." Was the exact words the police told them. Her mother broke down to her knees and cried her heart out. Her father tried staying strong and comforted her mother but everyone could see how much this was affecting him.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now