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"What!?" All three of them said in unison

"I can't give up the school, so let's get married." You explain with a straight face.

"Are you sure?" Hoseok asks, still shocked at your sudden statement.

"Well..... I don't really want to marry you but i have no other option." You shrugged.

"... There is one." He states as a matter of fact.

"Then, are you gonna give me the school for free?" You ask abit shocked at his suggestion.

"That's the only way buut~ no.... I'm not giving you the school for free." He grinned widely.

"Then marry me." You state.

"Now, is that a way to propose to somebody?"

"...what do you want?" You rolled your eyes in annoyance.

"You'll see." He answered, suspiciously making you squint your eyes at him. "Now Jin, can you escort her back safely?"

"Of course." With that said, Jin took you home while Hoseok talked with Sunmi.

"Let's break up?" Hoseok sighed and told his girlfriend as soon as you left.

"What? W-why?" Sunmi asked insecurely.

"I'm sorry darling but we're breaking up." He turned around and walked towards his room.

"Hoseok?....... Fine..." Sunmi said through gritted teeth before stomping her way out of the mansion.


*Next day*

"Is your wrist okay?" Jungkook asks you with concern.

"Yeah. It doesn't hurt that much." You answer with an ensuring  smile.

"You should take care of yourself." He counseled you.

"Says the person who caused this." You scoff

"It wasn't on purpose." He argued.

"It's okay." You assured him.

"But where were you yesterday? I looked everywhere  for you." He changed the topic.

"I went home early as i wasn't feeling well." You answered.

"Oh~ but you could have atle-"

"Jungkook!?! Silence please!" The teacher interrupted with a shout causing both of you to shut your mouth and sit down properly.

"I'm sorry Ma'am." Jungkook apologized with a slight bow.

"Okay so i was informed that we would be receiving a new exchange student and he's gonna be joining us starting tomorrow." The teacher said as she settled down her paperwork's. "I hope you'll treat him well."

Hearing this, some students sighed, some nodded, some replied and some didn't care at all. And you were one of those who didn't care at all.

"Okay enough discussion now, let's start our lesson today. Everybody turn to page 58." The teacher silenced the class and brought the attention back to studies.

~time skip: lunch time~

"Yah! Taehyung!" You snapped at your bestfriend who just stole your food, while Jimin and Jungkook chuckled in the background.

"Did you guys hear about Sunmi?" Jimin asked trying to bring up a conversation.

"Who's Sunmi?" Taehyung, you and Jungkook asked together.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now