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A/n: happy birthday to our dear angel, JEON JUNGKOOK 💕🎉🎉💕💕😘. If i could explain talent and perfection in one word, it would be you💕. You inspire me so much that I'm willing to fight anyone in this world for you. I can't even explain my love and admiration for you in mere words. I hope i can meet you one day and tell you this in-person😭😭 사랑해요(Saranghae) oppa~😎😘

"What did you wanna tell me?" You asked the nervous boy.

"I lied... And I'm sorry... Not lie but rather, kept the truth from you, like maybe.... The untold truth.....?" The boy struggled at finding the right words.

"Just spill it Jungkook, before i beat it out of you." You dead-panned.

"Taehyung's sister got married, remember?"

"Ofcourse. I was there." You simply stated

"Well~ she... Got married to my step-brother, Namjoon"

"What?! Why didn't you tell me? Wait, why are you sweating so much just to tell me that?" You asked in amusement.

"Do you remember the secret letter's you got?"

"Ofcourse. I don't have amnesia, Why do you keep asking me if i remember?"

"Well it was me."


"I mean it wasn't but it....was....?"

"What the hell are you implying?!"

"She set it up.
I mean my sister-in-law.
I mean Namjoon's wife.
I mean tae's sister.
I mean....
I don't know what i mean anymore." He sighed as he looked down in guilt.

"Continue." You encouraged, trying to keep yourself from smiling at his cuteness.

"She told me to deliver the first letter secretly. She mentioned something about, 'being a Cupid's angel' or something.....? Anyway that's why i did it but after seeing you so excited, i spent days thinking of ways to write the second letter so that it'll be similar to the first and left it for you again. At first i didn't plan on lying to you..... but not everything we plan goes as we planned it."

"Are you done?" You rudely interrupted, "even if you meant it or not, you unintentional lied to me and played with me? That's what you're trying to say? I'm speechless and too shocked to actually respond. I don't know if i should be happy that i found the person i prayed on meeting or be angry that the person was always in front of me." You spoke like a mad person.

"I can explain."

"It must have been funny? Seeing me make a fool out of myself in front of you?"

"No, that's not-" he tried explaining but you cut him off.

"I'm getting more mad by the second. Talking about it is making me more angry." You half-yelled.

"Please don't get mad. Let me finish."

"I don't think there's anything left to say. I'm going. Bye!" You turned around and started walking away.

"Please don't go." You could hear him plead.

"Don't come near me." You yelled without even turning around.


The next day, you went to school like usual but something different in you, both Tae and Jin realised it.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit down." Tae's voice rung from beside as you were both walking to school.

"It's noth-" you stopped speaking as you saw Jungkook who was looking at you with pleading eyes.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now