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"Hey!" You said to the boy standing infront of you

"How did you-?" He looked at you in astonishment, probably shocked as to why you were here.

"Your dad." You spoke and realisation hit him, "he told me everything. About the incident 6 years ago."

"Great!" He said sarcastically looking down in embarassment, "Now you probably pity me or even feel disgusted. I seem like a pathetic mental patient, don't I?"

"No." You replied and he looked up, his tearful wide eyes looking back at your deep dark one's, "not in the very least. Nothing still changes the fact that you saved me that day. You see I don't care about your past or what you did. You saved me and that too twice. Sure you went a little wacky and killed someone but you had your own reasons and the guy, Mr. Lee, kidnapped me so i don't really sympathise with him, I feel sorry for him, pity him. If only he wasn't so greedy and blinded by that greed."

"But the fact remains that I still killed him. I took his life. I'm a monster."

"Monster is a strong word. For a bird, a cat is a monster. So don't call yourself a monster. You lost control of yourself and i understand, atleast I'm trying to. And if there's anyone who should feel guilt of themselves, it's me. You blame yourself for your mothers murder but you're wrong. you did nothing wrong, it is me who should be sorry. If I didn't decide to run away that day, non of this would have happened."

"We ain't playing a blame yourself game here y/n."

"And i'm not blaming anyone. What happened was an unchangable fate and we can't keep dwelling on the mistakes we once made. What we can do is leave the past to the past and move towards the future together. Let's take our time and heal those wounds."

"Some scars just can't be healed. Everytime I see you, I'm reminded of that time. How can i forget seeing my own mother die in front of me? Shooting the man that killed her with my own hands? I'm afraid I won't be a human anymore if i forget it."

"Is that why you wanted to avoid me? Is that why you pushed me away and hurt me?"

"I'm sorry." He said and you slapped him, "sorry-" you slapped him again as tears started to flow out of your eyes.

"You stupid bastard." You grabbed onto his collar and shook him, "how dare you hurt me like that? Did you think i'll be happy like that? Are you that blind? You said you loved me so why are you trying to say goodbye."

"It's better that way. You'll be happier without me and you already have Taehyung by your side."

"Look damnit, I'm not a person who just settles for things. I love taehyung, he's my childhood best friend but i love you too, you're also my friend and my saviour so I am not going to choose between the two of you, I need you both in my life." You hugged him

"You're too selfish and selfless at the same time." He patted your back, "I love you more than friends and you see me as just a friend. do you know how hard it is to see you the same way you see me?"

"I don't know what love is. For my entire life i thought i loved taehyung and only him. Do you expect me to just forget him for you?"

"All i want is for you to tell me that taehyung is just a friend and nothing more. That you'll never see him like anything more."

"He's my friend alright."

"Do I even have a chance?"


"I want to atleast have a chance. For now, we're both friends right? I want to have a chance at being something more. So do i?"

"You're a lovable bunny. I won't be surprised if i actually fall in love with you so yes, you do have a chance." You smiled

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now