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"what the hell is he doing here?" Taehyung glared at the boy

"He's the new student, obviously." You stated.

"Jungkook-ah, you never told me you were rich." Jimin eyes the boy.

"Well~" the boy scratches the back of his neck in embarassment.

"You didn't even know your friend's a rich kid?" Tae asks jimin in a mocking manner.

"I'm sorry, but i don't care about the wealth of my friends." Jimin spats back.

"Says the guy who was panicking over the new kid being more wealthy and replacing me." You defend while eating your food.

"That's different." Jimin states in embarassment.

The teacher assigned Jungkook to be your seat partner and you had already shown him around the school and it was now lunch time, in which you were all eating together.

Actually I'm the only one eating. Sigh~

"So are you now his partner or something?" Taehyung jokes.

"Actually, yes. He's my new seat partner." You state with a straight face.

"Wow~ can it really be fate? Aw~ you two would def...." Jimin stops in the middle and groans in pain when tae steps on his foot on purpose.

"Shut up." Tae snaps at him.

"Okay.....?" Jungkook looks at you and you two share a moment of pure silence, neither knowing what's going on.

The bell rings and you are the first one to leave the table with Jungkook following close behind.

"I thought jimin was weird but he's even more weirder now." Jungkook speaks

"I know right. Not to lie, but i used to have a bit of a crush on him but now i find it kinda disgusting." You fake gag.

He chuckles at you and you both continue walking to class.

You hear girls whispering and eyeing Jungkook, some giving him flirtatious looks. You find it disgusting so you ignore the girls.

You enter your classroom and all eyes were now on you.

What the hell are they looking at?

"You're so sly." A girl comments as you move across the class to go and sit on your seat.

"Atleast i don't resemble a dinosaur." You spat back.

"What the f*ck did you say, bitch?!" She rises up from her seat.

"Oh my! it's T-rex." You tease, pointing at her face.

"You better shut your mouth!!" The girl raises her hand to slap you but somebody already stops it before it could hit you.

"Stop it!" Jungkook glares at the girl.

"Let go." The girl commands as she tries to get out of his grip.

"Jungkook, let go." This time you order him.

After hearing you he let's go of her wrist and she rubs the reddened area.

"Slut." She spats at you and this time you lose it.

You punch her right on the face and she falls down from the impact. She covers her nose with her hands as blood comes out of it.

I might have been too hard on her. *Nervously laughs*

"You bitch! Do you know how much my nose cost me?!" She yells

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now