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"Tae!!" You yelled his name and cried your heart out.
"You promised me!! You said You'll never leave me alone!! Why?! Please don't...please don't... go...." Your eyes were red from all the crying and your voice was broken from all the yelling.

But no matter your condition, he kept on walking away from you.

He turned his back on you and you knelt down on the ground crying and yelling at him but nothing affected him anymore.

He turned his back on you and now you knew you lost him.

You only learn the value of something when it's gone. Funny isn't it. Even if you do realise his value, there's nothing you can do.

"If you leave right now, i'll never see you again. I promise." You warned him and for a second he stopped but then again his feet continued to move further away and he slowly disappeared from your sight.

Your heart shattered into a million pieces...

"Bye tae...." You whimpered.


"Let's go to the beach." You suggest

"Sure." He answers absent mindedly

"It takes five ~effing hours to get there." You slightly raise your voice in annoyance.

"Sure." He answers again.

You were losing it. You both have been sitting at the drivers seat for thirty minutes still deciding on where to go and his mind wandered off after ten minutes.

I guess it was a bad idea to ditch school today...😥

"Let's just go to the mall." He answers, snapping back into reality.

You nod and he starts the car.

You both stay quite during the ride there which was really unusual.

The car halts and you both head inside the mall.

You start trying on some funny hats and he laughs at you. Eventually, you both start enjoying yourselves.

"I'm so gonna get this." You say with a serious face pointing to the duck hat on Tae's head.

"And I'll get this for you." He says while putting funky mustache glasses on you.

"Not bad." you say looking at the mirror.

"Let's go and pay." You drag him to the counter and you pay for his hat and he pays for the glasses.

You look at eachother when you both get out of the shop with your purchases.


"Pfft~haahaha" you both start laughing in unison.

You walk around the mall buying useless stuff for hours.

"Let's go there." You point at the cafe that you went to last time.

"Why?" He pouts.

"Because i liked it." You start dragging him there.

Why doesn't he like it?

"Find a seat for us, i'll order." You inform, walking over to the counter and he goes and sits at the nearby seat.

"What would you like Ma'am?" The guy behind the counter asks and you continue looking at the menu.

"Oh? Y/n?" The guy asks in a surprised tone.

This time you look up just to be met by Jungkook who was smiling warmly at you.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now