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Taetae💕: Aren't you coming to school?

Taetae💕: I miss you already.

I don't feel like coming :you

Taetae💕: are you still at the hospital?

Yep :you

Taetae💕: how's Jungkook?

Still not awake :you

Taetae💕:I'll visit the hospital after school today.

Taetae💕: hang in there.

Taetae💕: you know I love you, right?

Thanks tae~ I luv u 2❤ :you

Bye. :you


Y/n😍: Thanks tae~ I luv u 2❤

Y/n😍: Bye.

"But i meant it........ truly...." Taehyung said to himself feeling dejected.

"I'm sorry..... y/n...... for what I'm about to do." he mumbled to himself.


"Bring her here! Immediately!" Your father roared at one of the bodyguards.

"As you say, sir." The bodyguard bowed and walked out of his office.

"What would you tell her, sir? Possibly the truth?" His secretary enquired cautiously.

"I can't. It's not my place to tell her that." He sighed and sat back down on his comfortable black leather office chair.

"But do you think you can stop her from seeing him again? Would she listen to you without any questions?"

"She'll have to." He was serious, it was clear from the threatening low voice in which he got his point through. And his secretary didn't pry anymore.


"Jimin? Didn't you go to school today?" You asked the said boy.

"No, i didn't feel like it." He answered taking a seat on the sofa placed on the other side of the hospital room.

"I hope he wakes up soon." You exclaimed with a sigh, clutching onto Jungkook's cold hands.

"Everybody does..." Jimin commented from the side.

For a second, silence engulfed the atmosphere as you both stared into the pale face of Jungkook lying motionless on the bed.

"To be honest, I came to warn you today." Jimin exclaimed breaking the silence and tearing your attention away from Jungkook.

"Warn me about what?" You asked cluelessly staring at him.

"Leave." He said sending shivers down your spine. "You can't stay here for long."

"What do you-"

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now