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"Baby? Can i ask you a question?" Jungkook asked

"Wasn't that a question?" You teased

"Why did you lie?"

"About what?" You panicked

"About Taehyung. Why didn't you tell me that you two weren't dating? This whole time i thought you two were a couple." He pouted cutely.

"It was fun to see you thinking that way and i never lied about it. It was you who made assumptions on your own, i just never clarified them." You said as you took a sip from your coffee.

It had been a week since you've started to date this boy and he, as your boyfriend, was quite clingy and curious about every little thing.

"That's not fair." He whined

"Life's just not fair." You added

"Why are you so down today?" He enquired again.

"Because we're at the cafe where you work, being stared by people who, i swear, are sending me death glares and having a boring conversation about why I'm looking bored." You spoke monotonously.

"Well....that was harsh." He responded

"I'm harsh." You sighed as you let your eyes wander outside the cafe through the glass wall.

"Baby? Where do you wanna go?" He asked enthusiastically

"Home." You mumbled, "and stop with the 'baby', it's cringy. I have a name and it's y/n. Y/n" you snapped

"I'm....sorry." he looked down adorably.

"Hey? Wanna go somewhere else?" You asked after a long silence.

"Where? Where do you wanna go?" His eyes lit up

"Anywhere is fine.... As long as I'm with you." You said as you remembered those cliche anime lines.

"Oh." He mumbled with wide eyes, almost impressed and shocked by those chessy lines.

"Don't tell me you fell for such lines." You mocked

"Ofcourse not." His ears turned red as he tried to hide his face.

"Let's go to the amusement park?" You asked.

"Sure~" he chimed

"Let's go!" You exclaimed, standing up, linking your arm around his and pulling him after you.




"Hello?" You answered your phone which was ringing.

"Y/n? Are you with Jungkook?" Taehyung spoke from the other line.

"Yes." You simply answered looking at your right side where the said boy was standing.

"Just listen to me. Don't reply anything."

"Hmm." You hummed in response.

"You're being followed. I don't know if it's hoseok or his mother but I'm sure it's one of them. Please be careful y/n. I get a bad feeling about this." Taehyung spoke worriedly from the other side.

"How do you know?" You whispered

"Jin hyung. He's not there with you. Why do you think that is? He texted me that there was something suspicious so i looked into it and found out that Jackson is out for work today. I might be wrong and i hope i am but just in case, please be careful y/n. You know Jackson, you know how he is. He never misses his target." He spoke making you shiver at the thought of the number one assassinator being after you.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now