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You stared at taehyung as he dragged you to god-knows-where.

"So... where are we going?" You asked curiously.

He didn't reply but instead stopped and looked back at you. With his infamous box smile and a wink he responded flirtatiously, "On a date."

For a second, you could feel your heart stop completely and then it started pounding rapidly against your chest with double the intensity.

Did i hear that right...?

Your mind questioned, not ready to believe the words said by him. Ofcourse he had said the same thing a thousand times before this but each time it was just a joke, a hangout as friends. Infact, nothing had actually changed. Everything was the same but the feelings they contained were entirely different. Maybe he was still just playing around but even so, you knew that what you felt at the moment were your own honest feelings, no games and no jokes.

A smile crept up your lips. You were overthinking again.

Before you realised it, you had already reached the nostalgic place that taehyung had dragged you to.

That same old playground.

As you looked around, your heart was filled with unknown emotions. This place was filled with alot of your memories, the most recent one being when you had found taehyung sitting on the swing, rain trickling down his dejected self in the middle of the night, waiting for you.

You sat down on that same exact swing and tae took a seat on the swing beside yours.

"Funny, isn't it." You could hear him say, "we've known eachother for years, since childhood and yet I still don't know what you are to me."

You stayed silent. What he said was exactly what your mind always wanted to say out loud. No matter how much time had passed, you still couldn't put a name to the bond you shared with him.

"What are you to me?" Taehyung spoke as he sighed deeply, "my everything........... It might sound cring cringy but it's the truth....... Y/n, you are my everything."

your heart stopped beating all over again.

"Calling you my bestfriend doesn't sound right anymore and calling you my sister sounds even more inappropriate. Cause in the end of the day, I still want to hold you in my arms, hide you from the world and keep you all to myself. I still want to kiss you and care for you, I want to do everything that lovers do."

It had to be an imagination.

You doubted your own self. This had to be a dream. This wasn't something unexpected, you always knew that this day would come when you both would need to clear out all your feelings. But whenever you imagined it, the words said by him right now were your lines. You always imagined that it would be you who would muster up the courage.

You pinched yourself, surely it wasn't an illusion.

"I think I love you y/n. And not just as friends. I love you like a husband loves his wife."

You chuckled. This was a serious moment but you couldn't help it. He was just so cute.

"So I want to ask you, y/n, what do I mean to you?"

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now