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"Yah!" You snapped back when you felt somebody lightly pulling your hair.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" Taehyung glared down at you.

"Your lazy ass didn't wake up." You defended yourself.

"Your too rude." He pouted cutely

"And your too cute." You let your tongue slip.

You didn't notice that his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. He mumbled something inaudible while avoiding your eyes and you didn't pay attention to it.

"Let's just go." He suddenly exclaimed while linking your arms with his and pulling you forward with him.

Without another word, both of you made your way towards your school. Both of you were high school students and this was your last year.

You reached the school and were greeted by jimin, Taehyung's friend.

"Hi y/n" jimin greeted you with his eye smile.

"Hey!" You greeted back, adoring the boy.

You had to admit that you adored his smile.

"Do you wanna join us after school? We're going to go to the arcade." He suggestively asked.

"Sure." You answered

"Great." He exclaimed.

"See you later." You waved goodbye towards the two boys before heading towards your class.

Taehyung and jimin were in a different section from you so they went towards there own class.

Taehyung's P.O.V.

Why the hell is jimin so damn nice to her?

"Why'd you call her?" I asked him.

"Who? Do you mean y/n?" He asked cluelessly

I nodded

"She's interesting." He answered with an unknown smile which crept up his face.

I didn't realise it but my blood started boiling and i clenched my fist.

How could he just say that?

"Don't you think so?" He asked out of nowhere.

"What?" I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Come on tae. Don't tell me you don't feel anything towards her too. You've known her your entire life. Don't you like her or something?" He asked eyeing me.

I gulped

I like her?

No, never....

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked surprised.

"If not then it's okay." He answered.

After a moment of dead silence he replied, "I'm gonna try. I'll try to find out myself, the kind of person she is."

"Jimin-ah, don't be so serious. It isn't like you. Are you sick or something?" I asked as i placed my hands on his forehead to feel his temperature.

"Yah!" He smacked my hands away before adding, "I'm fine." And we both started laughing.

"By the way, i invited another one of my friends to go to the arcade with us." He informed me.

"Friend? Who?" I asked curiously

"His name's Jungkook. Don't worry he's quite nice." He answered.

"Okay sure." I replied


Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now