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"I wanted to see how you were doing." You muttered while fiddling with your fingers.

"Wanted to check up if you killed me?" Annoyance was clearly visible on Sunmi's tone of voice.

"Why are you here?" You asked not showing any signs of leaving the room.

"Scratched up bones." She answered, rolling her eyes.

"I'm sorry for that." You muttered but she still managed to hear it.

"Sorry? You? You're y/n, aren't you?" She uttered in shock and disbelief to which you chuckled.

"I might have gone overboard." You looked up to meet her eyes with more confidence after apologizing, "It's just that I haven't had many positive dealings with girls. I had a friend when I was small but she backstabbed me and since that day I have never been really close to other girls." You took in a deep breath as you confessed. You didn't know why you were suddenly confessing but something inside you wanted to lift off this burden from your shoulders and move on, "I'm more comfortable with boys, you see. Other girls call me names because of this but I don't care." You chuckled dryly at yourself, "I find it easier to be friends with boys. They don't play fake nor do they act double-faced. If they don't like you, they make it clear that they don't like you. If they're angry, they express it without containing it in like girls. They have a greater sense of friendship then girls." You started blabbering on about useless stuff, "Don't get me wrong. I'm not dissing girls nor am I saying boys are better but I'm just talking from my experience. Not all boys may be like that and not all girls are like that." You sighed, trying to remember where the conversation was supposed to go. "Ever since I was little, Taehyung has been my best friend. He was with me through my ups and downs. When I was a child, I had another best friend. Her name was Se Ra, Oh Se Ra.... but one day she broke our friendship off as if it was nothing to her and joined others to badmouth me just like Yeril did. After that day, I stopped making friends, especially girls. They sure know how to hurt you emotionally." Tears threatened to fall as you remembered the past, 12 year old you who was traumatised for years because of it.

"Why are you telling me this?" Sunmi interrupted in a soft tone

"I don't wanna live in the past anymore, nor do I want to dwell on it. I want to move on. I want to become stronger and grow up from that 12 year old me." You paused as you looked into her eyes directly, "Help me please. Help the 12 year old girl inside of me to grow out of her shell. Would you please be my friend?" You gulped, anxious on hearing her reply.

"F-friend?" Sunmi looked at you with enlarged eyes and a look that you couldn't decipher. "You want to be friends with me?"

You nodded enthusiastically and she burst into pits of laughter.

"That was so cheesy...." she said trying to control her laughter, "If you were a boy, I would've probably fallen for you..... Wait, I think I already did." Sunmi spoke with a huge smile as she held onto her thumping heart.

"Does that mean a yes?" You enquired, unsure of her answer.

"A big.... huge yes.." Sunmi grinned widely as you enthusiastically ran towards her to engulf her in your warm hug and she hugged you back.

"Thank you." You muttered happily and Sunmi smiled a little as she heard it. "Oh! By the way, My engagement is off. I don't have to marry Hoseok anymore." You chimed hoping to brighten up her mood.

"Why?" She asked as she hung her head low in disappointment.

"Why? Isn't it a good thing? You can have him back." You tried once again but her mood only went down hearing his name.

"You don't get it, do you? We can't get back together just because of that. It wasn't even the reason for our break up." She spoke as she looked down fiddling with her fingers

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now