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With a really bad headache and the sun shining brightly through the window, you woke up in annoyance. The light stinged your eyesight and it took you a while to actually open your eyes and get adjusted to the light.

"Who the €#¥$*$& $$#£#¥$ brought me here?!" You cursed out loud in a crappy mood. You were beyond annoyed. You took in the atmosphere of the room you were in and it seemed familiar to you, a bit too familiar. And then it hit you. You were at your parent's house in..... you couldn't remember where it was situated but it wasn't in seoul, that was for sure. You were still in korea however. Thank god your dad didn't take you too far away. But why exactly were you here? The last thing you expected was to be forcefully delivered to your own parents.

"Aish!" You messed up your hair in annoyance as you stood up and made your way towards the bathroom to freshen up.

Once you were all ready and looked presentable enough, you moved towards the door and opened it to be met by a butler and two bodyguards waiting outside for you.

"Where is he?" You asked the butler already knowing the fact that he was here to take you to your father.

"Follow me, miss." The butler said with a polite smile as he led the way and you followed him with the two bodyguards following closely behind you in case you decided to run away.

You entered your father's private study as the butler opened the door for you and went away. The bodyguards stayed outside the room, securing the door.

"Dad~" you attacked the man with a sudden hug as you have not seen him since ages(not exactly).

"Princess" he exclaimed hugging you back

"I wanted to talk to you anyways so.." you pulled away from the hug and your expression turned into a serious one as you proceeded into asking the question that bugged you since awhile.

"What is it honey?" Your father asked with concern laced on his face.

"Where is Jin?" You asked sternly

"Jin? Didn't you hear?"

"I know. You suspended him. But why?"

"He failed to do his job." Your dad replied back with a straight face.

"His job was to protect ME." You said emphasising on the last word, "..and here i am. Perfectly fine. So how come he failed to do his job?"

"..perfectly fine? Your friend is in the hospital because he tried to protect you. And i know better then anyone how much it breaks your heart knowing you could've changed the outcome. So, perfectly fine? I know how much your heart hurts right now. Afterall i raised you. Protecting you physically and mentally was his job and he failed in one of them." You father argued back and as always he made a point. All he stated were facts to which you couldn't argue back.

"But it's not his fault." You said stubbornly wanting to prove Jin's innocence.

"His fault? If Jungkook wasn't there, you could have been the one in hospital right now or maybe even worse, I coul've lost you forever!"

"But he was there for me and i'm fine."

"Look, I almost lost you once and I don't wanna lose you again. Whatever i do is for you, To protect you and give you a life filled with comfort and happiness."

"Well I'm not happy right now."

"And you were happy previously because Jin was here?"

"......" you couldn't speak. You would be lying if you said yes. You were never the person who was always happy. And the times that you were happy wasn't because of Jin. Jin was like a pillar of comfort, a home for you. He was always there for you and looked out for you. You could always tell him anything knowing he'll never judge you for it. And that type of warmth you wanted again. You wanted your pillar of comfort now more than ever. "Atleast he was there for me when you weren't." Tears flowed down your eyes as you argued with your father. "All you do is for me? Where were you when i needed you the most? Where were you when i cried? When i had a nightmare? Or when i simply needed my parents to hug me and tell me i mattered? Where were you?!" You vent out your anger as tears never seized flowing through your eyes staining your cheeks. "Jin was there for me. He was always there. He was a better family then my own family. And now you want to take that away from me? You said it yourself, you know me better then anyone. That you know I'm broken inside because of Jungkook. i need someone right now. I need a shoulder to cry on. A person who'll hug me and tell me everything's gonna be alright. I need my parents. But ofcourse like always you won't be there for me." You yelled out frustratedly not caring how ugly you looked right now.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now