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[Search: news articles dated to 12 November 2012]  []




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"She was right. I don't think this will work." He tapped the pen on his notebook which had a blank page similar to his last few hours work which came out empty.

"So I have to take the more difficult way?" He asked himself, too immersed in his work to realise that he was alone.

"Y/n's kidnapping, huh? It'll probably be hard." He mumbled to himself, now scribbling your name on the empty white surface.


"Y/n-ah? Are you okay?" Jimin asked as he noticed your gloomy body sitting next to Jungkook's unconsious self.

"Do i look okay?" You asked almost in a sassy tone.

"Forget it." He mumbled, dragging another chair to the opposite side of the bed.

"I came as soon as i could." He stated as he took a seat as well.

"He's in a coma." You also stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I know, I heard." He looked down in distress.

"He's in a coma so why are you telling me that you came as soon as possible? It probably wouldn't have mattered even if you didn't come at all." You spoke monotonously.

"Wah! I knew you were always very easily irritated but today you seem to be somehow more.........how do i put this......more....cold.....?" His face seemed to be fake. You could see right through him. He wanted to look okay but you knew that wasn't the case. He knew Jungkook before you and was probably closer to him.
Seeing something bad happen to your friend? It was something familiar to you, something you were afraid of. The thought managed to send a shiver down your spine.
At that moment you admired Jimin a little, he was able to put on a mask and look perfectly fine while here you were, ready to burst into tears once again over the slightest things.

"..don't tell me...." he dramaticed his expressions and hand gestures, "Is it that time of the month already?" And that was it, you snapped.

"Yah pervert!!" You grabbed onto the closest thing you could find, in this case, which was a bottle and hit him on his head with it.

"Speak trash and next time i'll really kill you!" You growled like a mad woman.

"Aish! I was just joking." He rubbed the spot where you had hit. "Anyways. Have you been here since yesterday?" He changed the topic ever so smoothly.

"I think. I just fell asleep here." You recalled the things that happened following the news of him being in a coma.

"So you didn't even eat yet?" He asked with wide eyes.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now