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Hoseok's P.O.V.


"Hoseok? What are you doing here?" Taehyung speaks in shock.

Taehyung and I knew eachother but the fact that i was y/n's fiancé was kept a secret from him and this fact irritated me.

Why would she want to keep our engagement a secret from her best friend.....?

"Oh! Me?" I snapped out of my shocked state, "I was just..... passing by... And i saw you two...." I lied as i tried to regain control over my emotions.


"Please Hoseok, don't tell anyone here about us, especially my friends."


I was reminded of her voice.

"But you two!" I stepped closer as i faked suspicion, "when did you two start having such a relationship?"

"No! It's not like that." Y/n resorted back without letting Taehyung speak.

"Are you sure? Right now, you were kissing eachother...?"

"Well that was........ Because of......... Taehyung. Yeah, Taehyung was just playing around." She made up an excuse.

"I wasn't. Even if i was or wasn't, what does it matter to you?" Taehyung stepped in.

"Well because.."

Because i loved her.
Because she was the only one for me.
Because she was my fiancé.
Ofcourse it should affect me.

But i couldn't say that to him, y/n wouldn't want me to say that and it was quite visible in her eyes, how much she was scared that i would break her secret.

As if on que, a new voice called out her name, "y/n-ah? Finally found you." He ran closer to her, "why did you two leave me alone?!" He pouted, "here, i finally won the panda for you." He grinned as he presented her the fluffy stuffed toy. If i remembered correctly, i met him before, he was her friend, Jungkook, i think was his name.

"Wah~ it's soo cute~" y/n exclaimed, hugging the panda while Taehyung was glaring daggers at Jungkook.

"I'll get going." I said in a cool manner, waving my fingers as i turned around and left the place, letting tears brim my eyes.

As expected, she was still far away from me and there was still no way for me to reach her, to show my sincere love for her.

It would've been so easy if she took the first step. Eventhough the space between us was uncountable miles, if she just took one step forward, i wouldn't mind running the rest to finally be with her.

'Cause that's just how much i love her.


Normal P.O.V.

"Wasn't that the guy from last time?" Jungkook curiously asked you as soon as Hoseok left.

"Huh?" You responded, still dazed.

"He came to pick you up from school."

"Hoseok did?" Tae enquired in shock

"Well... he came to meet his mother and..... Decided to drop me off while going back home." You tried your best to come up with a believable excuse.

"I see." Taehyung nodded

"But how do you know him?" Jungkook asked

"He's my aunt's son." You simply replied

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