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"What is he doing here?" Taehyung glared at the boy.

"He wanted to come along with me." You sheepishly answer

"It's unfair to have her all by yourself." Jungkook speaks up.

"Tsk~ I'm sorry but we are on a date." Taehyung says in order to get rid of him.

"Well~ you went on more dates without me in the past." He answers back

"So? Can't we enjoy our time by ourself?"

"Ofcourse you can, by yourself. So shall we leave?"


"Please enjoy your time by yourself." Jungkook dragged you away from a perplexed Taehyung.

"Yah! Stop right there!" Taehyung came running behind you both.


"This is so cute~" you adored the bunny boy wearing bunny ears.

"Not as cute as you." Jungkook said nonchalantly leaving you blushing.

"O.M.G.~ can't you two stop it already." Taehyung gawked at you two.

"Come on tae, don't be so jealous." Jungkook shrugged him aside, pulling you to the next shop.

"Which one do you want?" He asked, eyeing the claw machine.

"Maybe~ that panda." You happily chimed.

"Awsome~" he inserted a coin and started focusing on the game, whereas, both you and Taehyung anticipated his moves.

He hit the big red button and claw moved towards it's prey, clutching it and carrying it with itself.

"Oh! O! O!" You couldn't help yourself but react excitedly in anticipation.

"Almost there~................
Noooo!!" You all sighed together in distress when the claw suddenly loosened and the panda bear slipped out of its clutches.

"Let me try again." Jungkook inserted another coin and moved the claw with atmost concentration. You would've laughed at him for taking the game so seriously if it wasn't for you, remembering how you and tae used to spent your entire day and pocket money on this particular game.
This game had been your childhood and contained memories of your friendship that you're afraid to loose.

You anticipated again but sighed when it again released the stuffed toy.

Knowing how competitive Jungkook is, you wouldn't dare stop him from inserting coin after coin just to buy a stuffed bear.

You were anticipating the game for the nth time when suddenly you felt a tug on your sleeves and it was no other then Taehyung himself.

He took your hand and sneaked you away with him, running and laughing together like this was something you loved to cherish.

Nobody could make you laugh as much as Taehyung and you loved that fact.

"Let's go here." Taehyung pulled you towards an art cafe, beautifully decorated to gain people's attention. The walls were beautifully designed and hung on them were, lovely paintings, quotes and notes sticked by various people.

"Wow~" you couldn't help but admire the breathtaking lighting inside which came from the chandeliers hung directly above each table.

Both the tables and chairs looked elegant and were perfectly arranged.

At first you wondered why there were no customers at this beautiful place but then you realized that this was the speciality of this place, it was more beautiful because there weren't many people.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now