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6 years ago~

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Mr. Oh asked in panic as he saw your little body sleeping peacefully on the couch.

"Yes I'm fucking sure. Why would she even be here if I wasn't?" Mr. Lee spoke in an irritated manner as he called someone on his phone.

"What's the next step?" Mr. Oh asked anxiously

"She'll be moved to a isolated house in the woods where no one can find her."

"You sound like a typical thriller movie kidnapper."

"Oh I'm sorry but at this point I am. And it's a better idea because it's so typical that no one will even know."

"Did you contact Mr. Sung?"

"Ofcourse I did. That was the whole point of kidnapping this freaking child." Mr. Lee mintally face-palmed at what type of stupid associate he had chosen.

"You know, it's been bugging me for a while now but why is she sleeping for so long? I wonder if she's even alive?" Mr. Oh moved closer to analyse your face for any sign of life

"What can I say, it looks like she's seriously sleep deprived." He offered you a glance with a sigh, not even believing that he pulled something like this off. "It was so easy. I found her passed out on a bench and boy was she knocked out. She didn't even realise that i picked her up and bought her here."

"And you're sure this is gonna work? You sure the project would start?"

"Why would i play with fire in the first place if i didnt know how to tame it?"

"A useless quote. Nobody can tame fire." Mr. Oh spoke

"But you can put it out."

"That's......I don't get it. What are you trying to tell me?" Mr. Oh asked dumbfondedly.

"Even I don't get it." Mr. Lee spoke, "now give me a second here alright. I need to relocate her as fast as possible."

"She's cute. What's her name?"

"Y/n something, i guess."

"Sung y/n? That's a pretty name."

"Okay you're starting to become creepy." Mr. Lee gave him a look.

"It's not wrong to compliment someone. And she is pretty cute alright. I wish I had a daughter like her or maybe a daughter at all."

"Surely. But it's weird to compliment a child whom you kidnapped."

"But i didn't. You did." Mr. Oh spoke

"We're in this together, oh. You need that project as much as me. We can succeed only if we stick together in this. So you and me, we are no longer two but are one and the same person. I didn't kidnap her. We did."

"What if we get caught? What if Mr. Jeon finds out about it?"

"He won't. I already warned Sung that if he dares to say one wrong word then she's out."

"Out? You're going to kill her?!"

"I ain't a freaking killer. I'm just going to get rid of her."

"Rid of her? As in abandon her on the streets?"

"On the streets? no. I'm gonna abandon her in the forest."

"You can't do that."

"And I'm hoping i won't need to. At this point you'll have to support me if you want her alive as well."

"I'm with you alright. It's just that I've known Sung and Jeon for a long time. They're both nice people and I don't think they deserve this."

"It's not about them. Nor is it about us. It's about the project. The million dollar project. Think of it like a bigger cause."

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now