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Sunmi: Jungkook was looking for you.

What? :you

Why? :you

Sunmi: don't know.

Where is he? :you

Sunmi: I saw him near the old music room on the second floor.

Okay :you

Thanks for informing me :you

Sunmi: ready to help anytime😄


Sunmi looked down at her phone with a satisfied evil smirk plastered on her face.

Turning off the screen, she looked  straight ahead where Jungkook was standing contemplating on what drink to buy, should he buy banana milk, his favourite or a coffee to wake him up.

She took steady steps towards him making it look as natural as possible. "Jungkook? What are you doing here?" She asked in her fake curious tone as if she didn't already know he was here.

In her mind, she had already perfectly planned everything and up until now it all worked out flawlessly, all that was now left were two simple tasks but this didn't mean the tasks left were easy. One wrong move and she was done for, she was playing with fire at the moment and she knew it, she wished for her brother to be here and guide her, to differentiate between the right and the wrong but unfortunately he was busy visiting their father unlike Sunmi who didn't care about the old man who had once abandoned her younger self.

"Sunmi?" Jungkook's sweet voice woke her up from whatever thoughts drowned her mind, "I was just here to buy some drinks before class. What about you?"

"I was just passing by when I saw you." She smiled

"So, going to your class?"

"Yep." Sunmi spoke, the smile on her face was soon replaced by a frown as her face turned into one of worry.

"What is it? Anything bothering you?" Jungkook asked noticing the sudden change

"I don't know....... I think somethings wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"You being here." she answered

"Me being in the cafeteria is wrong?" He tilted his head in confusion

"Not that. It's just..... you are here alone without y/n. I thought you two were dating. Aren't you supposed to be always together?"

"I like her but sadly we are not dating.... yet" he whispered the 'yet' part to himself. "And we're good friends but that doesn't mean we have to always stick together like glue." He chuckled

"Oh I understand that but it's just....." she avoided eye contact, making Jungkook grow curious and a bit worried inside. "I was hanging out around the school campus and I think I saw y/n near the old music room in the second floor."

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now