Key to your soul

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Grunting on the concrete ground Dio removes the knife from his forehead. A leather polished shoe stops in front of him. Looking up at the owner of the shoe is a man with a dark atmosphere standing before him. Cat eyes open behind him giving Dio a hint on who it is.

“Thought I told you to stay away from my princess.”

Squatting down grabbing a handful of Dio’s hair before slamming his face on the concrete 6 times.

“My other me is away from her. The new me can be closer to her. It seems more like the only one who keeps bringing her more harm than good is her lack of a father.”

Time stops so that Dio can stand up with a bloody face looking down at Kira. “When time stops, your only able to move when your trying to protect her. But since your not protecting her your body is frozen with time. Damn it! If I do something to him now she'll never see me as her father. I'll just have to let this go.”

Dio leaves starting time. Kira’s eyes widen looking at his hand full of blond hair.

“So he stopped time to runaway. Tsk.”  
Just as he turns around your door opens. “YoKi ? What are you doing out in the rain? Come inside before you catch a cold”

Kira stands in the rain for a bit deciding whether or not to enter.

“Just came over checking your broken window. I have a temporary window replacer. I'll be back.”

Rushing out you stop him. “No it's fine my windows have storm shutters. Just… please come inside”

Raising your head up a bit he sees your tears running down with the rain. Grinding his teeth enraged seeing you cry. All that you have done is cry. Something he couldn't stand seeing. If everyone would just leave you both alone you would never be crying. Lifting you bridal style he takes you inside setting you on the kitchen counter.

Going through your bathroom returning with a towel wrapping you in it. “I'll be back.”

He feels you tug on his sleeve. “Where?”

“To close the storm shutters.”

Your fingers slide off his sleeve letting him go.

Returning back he tossed his wet clothes and yours into the washer.
Inside of your steamy tub you lay between his legs relaxed leaning your back against his chest.

Small red blushes appear on his cheeks having you lean on him.

His arms hover for a bit not sure if to comfort you or keep his arms rested on the sides of the tub.

“Thank you.”  The words slide off your mouth with a smile feeling at peace. Perhaps YoKi is the man from your past. How sweet would it be if he was the man from your past. Wait! That would make him a father! Dio said the man from your past left you pregnant. Where is your kid? YoKi must know but you'll ask him later. Right now he's doing his best comforting you.

Kira still hovers his hands with sweat on his forehead.

Why am I struggling on figuring out if I want to comfort her? She's mine isn't she? She's always made me feel this way. Doubt myself on what I should do. She's not needy but yet I feel like if I screw up I fail her.” After some internal arguments he finally embraces you close with his head between your neck and shoulder.

The feeling of his strong muscled arms holding you close flexing when he pulls you even more makes you feel all nice and warm inside. Makes you feel loved.

“I don't care much for anyone. Only you.” The hot breath from his words make you start sweating. It's not from the hot tub it's from him.

“YoKi. I'm planning on leaving to America with Jotaro.”

A strike of jealousy brakes through.

“Whose Jotaro? Your not leaving me. I'll go with you.”

“Jotaro is my family member. And I want to go alone.”

“I'm coming with you. Like it or not.

Especially in a place where you will be caught by the police.”

“No. I'm going to America so I can change my self.”

“That makes no sense. Shut up and stop saying stupid things your not leaving Japan unless I come with.”

Resting his chin on his fist pouting like a child.

At the corner of his eye your eyes are sparkling at how adorable he looks pouting.

“What?” He asks looking away.

“You look so adorable pouting with your lip out and everything.”

Clutching his teeth looking you down pissed makes you regret what you just said.

“I'm sorry.” You cower away to the other side of the tub for safety.

“Wow, clingy much?” Kira says wanting you back between his legs.

His arms hang on the side of the tub inwards looking at you. The sight of him makes you blush and so you sink down into the tub hiding your red cheeks.

“What's wrong?” Raising an eyebrow concerned on why your sinking down into the tub.

After a minute of you not answering he growls annoyed from your silence. “You don't want to tell me that's fine.” He gets up out of the tub with the water dripping down his muscled body.

He turns seeing your eyes doing that shiny thing again.

I'm such an idiot! She's admiring me! How can I be such an idiot!”

Returning back into the tub slamming his hands down on the tub cornering you. Popping your head out of the water shocked he finally sees those beautiful red cheeks of yours.

“That's what I thought.” He says softly. “You are blushing.”

He's so close. But I don't want anything happening between us. Not until I find out what happened to me. Who was my true high school lover and where is my kid. But it's just.”

He leans in closer.

“It feels so right being with him. Like a puzzle to my life.  Key to my soul.”

The doorbell rings making you jump shocked. Kira growls standing up straight it has to be Rohan. Who else would be ringing your doorbell at this hour.

On Hold ;-; ( Kira X Reader X Side Boi Rohan) JJBA Where stories live. Discover now