The HangOver

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While on your night stalking routine your half drunk ass is staggering around  listening to music on your Bluetooth earphones. Not able to continue on you lean against the wall in an alleyway trying to figure out where your are. A homeless man pins you on the ground breathing heavily. Looking up at the eyes of the man who thinks will violate makes you just laugh from the inside. Opening your mouth he sticks his tongue down your throat. Biting down you rip his tongue out shoving him off before spitting out the disgusting flesh. Watching him squirm in panic brings you amuses you releasing an insane laughter.

Taking out a pair of claws with razor sharp points you stand up staggering. "What's wrong? Don't you want to have more fun with me? Am I not good enough for this world that everyone has to fuck with me? That.." a memory of your mothers smile passes your mind bringing you down on your knees.

"Why. Why am I seeing you now? Where did you go? Please." Shaking uncontrollable by the vision of the one woman who was your angel in the time of darkness. 

Another memory of her holding you in her arms singing, passes through.

The homeless man crawls away leaving a bloody trail. 

"Mother.." The vision caves into darkness only she glowed through with with wide opened arms. "Mother." Standing with wobble legs the alcohol wins bringing you down to your knees. But your driven to be in her arms wanting her warm kisses. Wanting back the songs she would sing. Just one day you wish you could be with her. "Mother. Just another day. Just, one more day. How can I live another day? Where did they take you? Who took you?" 

Her beautiful smile with warm welcoming eyes wait for you. Reaching out just inches away from her beauty a man goes through her smacking your face across with a baton.

Growling angrily from how you were inches away from your mother before this asshole appeared awoken your rage. Forcing your body to sober up the muscles in your body regain strength. Standing back straight up the man is but a mouse against a cat.  Clawing at the police mans face blinding him for the rest of his life brings you satisfaction.  

Looking up to the sky with arms wide open cursing the heavens. "You always take everything from me! Your always caging me! Your always giving me hope and then ripping them away from me! Your creation! The monster that you designed by your very own sins!" 

Your past memories of being in a cage surrounded by men smiling, poking you with sticks so that you may scream. Men getting on top of you suffocating your child body. Being forced to lick their feet and call them masters. Being sold over and over. Till  German Nazi soldiers rescued you. At least you thought.

Instead you became a lab rat. When they couldn't control their monster they locked it in an asylum.

Vomiting from disgust a flashlight shines on you blinding you for a split second before it goes over to the police man whose holding his eyes screaming. The police shine their light back at you who's now charging up to them.

Jotaro and Rohan knock on Kira's door. Kira opens it seeing them.

Riding a 2017FZ-09ABS Yamaha through the empty streets a helicopter follows you with police cars chasing you. While playing Coheed and Cambia- Welcome home on full blast from a speaker.

Kira, Jotaro, and Rohan watch the live news of the biker wearing a helmet being chased by authorities

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Kira, Jotaro, and Rohan watch the live news of the biker wearing a helmet being chased by authorities.

Up ahead they have spikes set out for you. Stopping the bike to the side you spin it around riding it head on toward the police cars.

"She's insane! Is she planning to crash into one of them!"

Rohan exclaims watching shocked. Kira bites on his nails to the point of bleeding. Jotaro watches calmly knowing what's going to happen. The cop car ahead of you keeps going as you move the handle accelerating the bike feeling the adrenaline devour every inch of fear. You've always relied on your adrenaline to get you through everything. Once that was on you were not yourself you were someone different a demon.

Lifting the front of your bike on the hood of the car smashing the window ridding over the roof of the cop car. The tires screech once they land on the ground grinding before moving,  The car crashes onto the other cop car. Looking back for a bit at the damage you start the bike raising the front tire up riding off. 

The three men scream cheering you on. "YAAA! Fuck the police!" Rohan says hot fiveing Kira as they stand in front of the screen blocking the view from Jotaro.. "If you fuckers don't move I'm kicking your asses!" Star Platinum slaps them away from the tv.  

On Hold ;-; ( Kira X Reader X Side Boi Rohan) JJBA Where stories live. Discover now