Rohan fucked up!

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Meeting up at Kira's home everyone stares at you and Dio like two shameful children sitting on the couch. "I swear. I don't remember anything. Dad doesn't either."

Dio turns to look at you. His sweet daughter is defending him.

"Move out of my way!" Kira shoves his way in. Wrapping your arms around his neck feeling his strong embrace.

"I'm glad you're okay." His velvet voice brings shivers down your spine. God, this man is an angel right now. Only concerned that you're fine.

"That's my daughter you are rubbing on you Chihuahua." Dio pulls you behind him staring down at Kira. "It's bad enough she has to deal with an uglier version of me. Sweetie I know you have daddy issues but did you have to really date an uglier version of me?"


Kira watches father and daughter argue with each other like two mirrors. A smile escapes his mouth from relief seeing you happy.

This is the woman he fell in love with. You are the woman that he'll follow in the depths of hell. It's too late for him to ask for forgiveness but he would take any suffering for you to be accepted in heaven.

While everyone is chitter chatting Kira takes the time in getting to know Dio. Because one day Kira will marry you.

Excusing yourself from everyone you head into the hallway looking for Kirass room. His home is crowded and you are not comfortable in being in the same room with Giorno. It's just weird an explanation for later. A hand covers your mouth being shoved into a room Rohan throws you on the floor.

"The hell Rohan!"

He grab your arm shoving you against the wall cornering you.

"Do you know who your high school lover is?" The questions freezes you remembering what Kira told you. "Don't run from him. Dont deny him."

"You are my high school lover Rohan." The forced nervous smile makes you feel stupid. He will very much catch the lie.

"You are lying to me. Heavens Door!" Pages flip on your face anxiously he goes through them.

"What! I can't read any further! Who is doing this?" 

Movement from under the page reveals a small Killer Queen coming out holding the page wide open staring up at Rhan.

"You slut! You are my girlfriend! We are together!"

Inches away from your face the pages close leaving your face normal. "We are not like the others. I am not a pretender like Kira. There shouldn't be anything about me that should change. You will love me as who I am. Besides tell me if Kira had ever been close to 13 orgasams. We could even go more if you'd wish." 

"So you just want me because you can't have me. Because that's what it sounds like. As if I were a good fuck nothing more."

A lump on your throat forms from the feeling of just being a tool.

Rohan panics realizing how wrong everything is starting to sound.

"You not just a good fuck your a great fuck."

And this...

This right here

Is where Rohan realized.

He fucked up.

Swinging your fist punching him square on the face with a cracking sound of his jaw breaking. In a quick second another more agonizing pain travels through his body shattering him like a frostbite. A punch in the face and a rack. Yep...

Does not end there.

"You are the greatest regret in my life"

Cracking your knuckles standing over him seeing his deformed face pleased you but not the internal flames of rage you had.

One thing Rohan and Kira knew is that once you are in rage mode you are not yourself. 

Everyone is having such a good time laughing cheering drinking till they hear the crash of Rohan thrown out of the hall onto the coffee table bleeding not moving.

Jotaro takes action rushing toward you holding your arms back. "Shit! She's blacked out!Cant hold her back for much longer when she is like this."

Dio grabs Rohan by the collar of his shirt shaking him. "What did you do to my princess!"

Kira stares you down standing in front of you. Watching you growl trying to look past him at your prey. Raising your chin up with his index your eyes meet the eyes of a cold hearted lover.

A demand of warning shined through his eyes telling you to calm down. You've never challenged him because you never wanted to know what he would do if you did.

Whimpering from fear your body goes limp. Jotaro feels you calm down releasing you. Kira wraps his arms around your waist keeping his eyes locked on you.

Rohan moans from Dio shaking him.

Hearing him you try to move your eyes to see Rohan. "Look at me."

Your eyes quickly move back into his. "Keep looking at me."

Whimpering you rests your arms on his chest burying your face in his chest. Feeling the gentleness of his fingers going through your hair wins you over. The rage disappears.

Rohan looks over Dios shoulder seeing Kira gazing down at him by the corner of his eye.

"Get your hands off her!" Rohan used Heavens Door on Dio making him turn to paper. Taking out razor points from his pens shooting them toward Kira. A cat eye takes form as Killer Queen appears with lightning speed slapping the razors away.

"Are you stupid! If those razors harm her you are fucking dead!'

Jotaro grabs Rohan leaving with everyone only leaving you and Kira alone. 

Your name slides off his mouth giving you chills. After everything this is your first time hearing him say your name. Looking up seeing a calm warm expression makes your face red hot. He cuffs your cheek in his hand, "What did he do? Did he touch you? Write on you?" 

"N,no...It's something personal."

"Keeping secrets from me. That's not safe. Tell me now."

Looking up at Kira for a second a thought come into mind.

"YoKi. You've been much more serious lately. The look is amazing on you but your more serious and mellow."

Letting you go he feels a bit worried if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Changing himself completely for you was his goal.

"Damn it she makes me feel self conscious about myself. I lose all confidence when she pinpoints small things like these. No, the old Kira would lose self confidence. This new Kira will not lose self confidence."

Crossing his arms on his chest raising an eyebrow with a stern expression.

"Everything must change for the better of my lover. Is there a problem with my character that I have chosen?"

Your thoughts. "Yes! He dropped the question and is now self conscious about himself."

"Nope. Like I said before I love you matter what you do. Because everything you do is for me."

Tippy toeing you place him a light warm kiss on his cheek making him blush.

"Don't ever forget that. But don't take advantage of it either." Kira holds you hand in his. "Now. Let sheet you cleaned up you must be exhausted after everything that happened. You had me worried sick. Thought I might have to be your lawyer."

"Nah it's fine. Dio would probably have the case. Dad was in law school way back then. He still studying and learning. That's his side job for fun."

Kira listens about your father learning more about him. "Perhaps if I tell him that I'm a lawyer. That'll get his attention. From one lawyer to another I will rightful take what's mine. I will rightfully marry the woman of my life. As well I will rightfully fight for our son. Well...her son." 

On Hold ;-; ( Kira X Reader X Side Boi Rohan) JJBA Where stories live. Discover now