Did Kira kill your mother?

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The memories of seeing your mother in the alley have kept you awake. The way she glowed from her white dress brought out every ounce of beauty that she was. Her pink lips and warm forgiving eyes that hid so much sadness. Her brown curly hair that reached down her knees. The mother who held, protected, and loved you so dearly was stripped away from you. 

But now, with a clear mind remembering the vision there was something wrong. She seemed to be missing a hand. Her left hand was missing. Could her missing right hand have something to do with her absence in the living world?

A gentle tired moan is heard from behind you. You were wrapped in Kira's arms in his bed. Your head was right under his chin. His presence comforted you but sleep was not welcomed. There is something she is wanting to tell you but what? After so many years of her being missing she shows up in your vision while you're drunk in alley! You have powers of the heavens but have yet to fully unlocked the potential. But your mother, she must be wanting your help. Her soul isn't at rest... Someone killed your mother and you must find out who. 

If your mother never went missing you wouldn't have gone through all the hell you went through. But... you wouldn't have met your soulmate.

These small problems tare you apart from the inside confusing you. 

Turning around snuggling into his chest he tangles his legs with yours smiling. "What's wrong my angel? Why is she restless?" 

You remain silent hoping that he believes you are asleep. "I've known you since we were young lovers. I know when she's awake." Stroking your hair giving you the shivers. 

"Just thinking about everything that has happened." You respond softly.

Sighing Kira is annoyed by the fact that you're keeping secrets from him. Well he's keeping some secrets as well but they are kept away for your own safety. And that's not the point! The point is; it's you. Is the secret a danger to someone or you. 

"I want you to tell me what your keeping hidden."

In a mumble you respond. "Mmm mmm."

Pinning you down with your arms over your head you close your eyes not wanting to look him in eyes.

"Tell me." He demands


" I'll have to punish you if you don't tell me."

"I'm not telling its personal."

"Is it about Rohan?"


"Is it about Dio?"


"Tsk. Is it about your hangovers?"


"Is it me?"


"Your son?"


His hands release you holding your face. Your name comes out coldly. Fear runs down your spine and you dare not to find out what he would do if you didn't open your eyes.

So, slowly you open them meeting hair angered gaze. 

"What is the secret?" Killer Queen manifests beside him with his eyes enlarged. 

"Commenting about me won't work. I want to know the secrets your hiding from me."

"Please...just respect it."

"Not if it has to do with your life."

"Please just respect my privacy and decisions." 

"Respect your privacy?! I've lost you too many times because I have stayed away from your life choices! Don't you dare tell me to respect whatever decision you make now! I have been silent for far too long. Understand that I am not willing to lose the only woman who conquered this soulless body. The woman whose faults are her perfection. The woman who is my angel, my light in my darkness." 

Taking a hold of your hand he kisses your palm gentle savoring it.

"My life's better when your around. But you are also killing me slowly. You don't remember your past. You don't remember who the real Yoshikage Kira was back than. Please don't remember your past. It's selfish of me to ask this from you. But please forget about your past. It's better for not to remember who I was. The less you know the better."

"I know you are a killer. But you make things sound terrible." A strong feeling devours your mind. A realization that is hidden somewhere in your mind. But what could that realization be?

"Because I have done worse things in the past all for you my love."

You caress his cheek seeing his facial expressions melt to your touch. He smiles nibbling the side of your thumb looking at you playfully. Seeing your cheeks blush makes him want to see more of your adorable submission.

Leaning in he teases your lips only hovering his over yours. Lowering down he licks your neck nibbling and sucking your sensitive spots. A faint whimper escapes and you feel hot from the inside.

Wrapping your arms around his back you tug on his shirt wanting to see and feel his muscled body against your squishy one. Kira chuckles Abit sitting straight up pulling off his shirt slowly just for your view.

"Does my angel like what she sees?"

He crawls back on top of you feeling your cold hands slide against his hot back.

"I'll warm you up my sweet girl." 

Tangling his fingers into your hair he attacks your neck with hot kisses making you whimper under his submission. As much a he would love to make you cry out his name from under him he knows it's not the right time yet. He doesn't want you to feel regrets or feel like a sexual tool. What he wants is for you to feel loved he wants you to be his fully with no regret and no internal pain. Unless there is something in between then ya fuck the respect he will remind you that your his.

"Sleep now my love."

Disappointment. "Why would he heat up the oven and then just decide to walk away. What a tease. Well..

Maybe he doesn't view me as something to fuck. Perhaps he does love me. I don't know. Between Rohan and Kira I'd expected Kira to be more Savage. But then again we did know each other since high school. I just can't believe Rohan would use me...

What a fucking fool I am. At this point I just need to kill something, anything." 

On Hold ;-; ( Kira X Reader X Side Boi Rohan) JJBA Where stories live. Discover now