Just Buisness

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“Where ya going?” You run up to Kira. “Aren't you supposed to be at home?” He says annoyed that you didn't listen to him.

“Thought I told you to stay home. There's a killer on the loose and you’re too adorable. Don't want you going missing.”

Crossing your arms over your chest you stop in front of him.

“Now listen here. I can leave that house as I please and find you in the streets so we can have lunch together.”

Kira closes the space between you both pinching your chin smiling.

“You should have called me ahead of time. Because right now I'm on business.”

You grab his thumb biting it he pulls away. “Oof!”

“Kira! I demand to have lunch with you understand!”

He sighs annoyed looking at his watch. “Might as well have you follow me along. I don't want you walking home alone. So let's go.” He lets you hold onto his arm as you both walk.

“Such a needy girlfriend you are.”

“I'm needy so what. I'm going to be even more clingy and you know what?”

He looks at you raising his eyebrow.


“You're going to like it.”

He shakes his head smiling. “Whatever you say. Just don't be clingy on my business or say anything.” You shake your head in a yes.

“Hay Kira! Who's that girl you are with?” It's the guy with school girls they follow up behind him looking at you.

“She is my girlfriend.” Kira says with a smile looking down at you.

“You mean you actually got the time to ask a girl out?” He says.shocked looking at you and Kira.

“Actually we've known each other since high school.” You say chuckling.

Kira looks at the school girls there's only 3 of them. “Where the rest of your friends?” Kira asks the girls and they look at eachother.

“Uhm. We're not sure. Hano didn't answer her cell phone last night and neither did Hayato or Naimo.”

You feel Kira's arms slide on your waist pulling you close. He seems worried and bothered by this. “You girls should head straight home after school. And don't hang around with strangers at night. I was reading my newspaper about a mysterious killer going around preying on girls and woman.”

You gasp shocked on how Kira is actually worried for the safety of those girls. You have never seen him care about anyone. Could this killer really have him uncomfortable? The way he has his arm around your waist it's as if he's protecting you, afraid that even you might be swept away from your feet and never found.


At a small cafe you both head toward a man who's looking at the menu. Kira takes a chair from a table and let's you sit before he takes a seat.

The man in front of you both sets the menu down his eyes piercing at you. Scotching over he smiles interested. “American?”

He asks.

“Yes.” you respond surprised to actually see someone from America. “Finally! I can't really understand anything in this menu could you please help me order? I would very much appreciate it. ”

Kira stretches his neck a bit popping his neck already feeling tense. He doesn't know what to think about right now. Having two people from the same country who understand each other completely and can probably relate with all sorts of things.

After helping the man out he orders for himself and you, coffee and apple pie. Kira clears his throat ordering just regular tea and your favorite pie knowing that you won't eat their apple pie due to the fact you don't like the way this cafe makes it.

“My apologies I haven't introduced myself. My name is Patrick Bateman. It's nice to finally meet someone from America and-”

Kira clears his throat. “Your business is with me.”

You look at Kira shocked. You did not know he knew English.

“I am not very fluent in English so I brought my assistant to help. Please, let me remind you that his is business and not a relationship match.”

Awww… Kira is jealous. Wait! Kira is jealous! Nothing ever goes good when he's jealous people go missing when he becomes jealous.”

After some translations were done and Kira refused to sale the company but accepted marketing business you both stood up.

Bateman holds your hand kissing your knuckles looking into your eyes.

“It was a pleasure to meet you. Ms.?”

Kira looks at his watch before grabbing Bateman's wrist making him let go of your hand.

With an intense stare and serious tone he says. “You will let go of her unless you want the deal to be over. I don't know the type of business you do in America but here in Japan business is business and you don't flirt with female workers.”

Bateman's eyes turn dark like coal jerking his hand away from Kira's grip.

“Lets go.” Kira says wrapping his arm around your waist walking away with you.

Bateman watches understanding now why there is so much hostility. But it's fine, before he leaves he will pay you a little visit that will make Kira get off his high horse.

On Hold ;-; ( Kira X Reader X Side Boi Rohan) JJBA Where stories live. Discover now