Chapter 2

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I shook my head, and cleared my throat,
"I'm sorry."

The man continued not to speak, but I could feel his glare on me through his sunglasses.

I waited for a couple of more seconds, but his stare was too intense and I had to get away.

"Again, sorry," and I took a seat at the bar far away from the mysterious man and ordered a shot of vodka.

But little did I know, I was being followed. The seat beside me was soon occupied, and I found my eyes turning to stare at the man who took it.

The mystery man.

I quickly looked away, and picked up my drink,
downing the shot.

Without speaking the man stood up, and extended his arm out to me.

Did he want to dance? With me?

I took up his offer, not breaking the silence.

Joining the dance floor, I could not restrain myself from thinking over the weirdness of the situation.
This definitely did not happen everyday.

I considered speaking, but hesitated. Why should I be the first to speak? I'm a firm believer that a woman can initiate conversation, but for some reason, I wanted him to be the first to speak.

His hands found their way to my waist, and when I didn't respond, he grabbed my hands and placed them on his neck.

I swear I shivered.

His hands returned to my waist, and a smirk appeared on his lips. I looked down to avoid his gaze, even though I still couldn't see his eyes. I wanted to see his eyes. I wanted to see all of him really.

His fingers grazed along my hips, and my body fell even closer to his. I felt like I was burning. The heat had turned up, and I wanted nothing more than to kiss this man, yet I had all of these questions.

Who was he? Why is he dancing with me? Why won't he talk?

But none of my many questions mattered. I had my mind set on one thing. And that was staying in the arms of this man for as long as possible.

I couldn't take it anymore, I had to do something.

Say something.

"Kiss me," I said slowly to the man whose arms were wrapped tightly around my waist.

"Not yet," he said in return.

That was the first time I had actually heard his voice. And now I wanted to hear it over and over again. His masculinity showed in the way he spoke.

Damn, I thought.

I don't even know his name. I've never even seen this man in my entire life, but I am drawn to stay near to him.

Somehow I knew this man was staring deep into my eyes and has been ever since we started dancing together, though I couldn't see his because they were covered by dark sunglasses.

Hesitantly, my arm reached up and brushed the stray piece of hair from his forehead before attempting to take his shades off. His hand touched mine on his face, and pulled my wrist away.

He then took off his sunglasses, and gave me a wink. I couldn't even swoon over the wink because I was too caught up in his blue eyes. Blue eyes that resembled the ocean, eyes that screamed perfection.

His hands then landed on my cheeks, and a lone index finger brushed against my lips. His other hand snaked down my waist and pulled my body closer to his own.

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