Chapter 8

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I haven't seen Kyle since he went to meet with my boss, and the day was finally coming to a close.

I was a little upset I hadn't seen or heard from him, but I knew he was probably just busy.

Yet, something in me made me want to go to his house.

I was craving his presence, as if our short time being together was teasing me.

I decided to be spontaneous for a change.

Clearly it worked well for me that one Friday night, I was just hoping it would work again.

I could've texted him or even called him, I didn't even know if he would be home.

But it was all apart of the plan, to be spontaneous.

To act like I never normally would.

I didn't expect for it to be raining. But there I stood, in front of his door, and I was pretty damp with water droplets.

I had rang the doorbell twice, but no one had appeared yet. I decided to try one more time, and just as I reached out, the door was opened.

And my, what a greeting it was.

Kyle stood in front of me, clad in his very tight boxers, which appeared to Versace.

I didn't know why you'd need designer underwear, but at that moment, I wasn't complaining. I knew where my eyes were directed, but so did Kyle.

When I finally looked up, a smirk was clearly on his face, and he finally spoke.

"Hello Mia. What a pleasure to see you."

I couldn't ignore the fact that he was just in boxers. What if his mom was here to visit or even worse, another woman? My mind assessed these different possibilities.

"Do you always open the door in underwear?"

"No, only for the most special people."

He let me in the house, yet I stayed close to the door, not knowing what to do with myself.

"You probably should've put some pants on, and a shirt."

"Don't worry, I wasn't expecting anyone. But I checked who it was before answering like this. Like I said, this isn't just for anyone. I'm glad you decided to stop by though."

I nodded, liking his answer.

"What were you doing? After all, you're only in boxers."

"Well, I was in bed. Getting comfortable, but not too comfortable if you catch my drift."

My cheeks turned pink, and I looked around the room.

"You're wet."

"Excuse me?"

I obviously took that in a way I shouldn't have, even though that may or may not have been true.

He laughed, a hearty laugh.

"No, I'm just concerned. Your clothes are damp, let me get you some dry ones."

"No, honestly, it's fine. I wasn't going to stay long."

"Hush, Mia. We're getting you out of these clothes. You've got to catch up to me."

I laughed at that, but secretly, maybe that's what I wanted from this visit. I would never admit that though.

We went up to his room, and things heated up almost immediately inside of my head. Flashes of our one night together appeared in my head and I avoided all eye contact with Kyle.

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