Chapter 1

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I had my morning routine down.

Wake up at 6 am, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, take a shower, get dressed, do my makeup, do my hair, and then I always grabbed my purse and walked out of the door, as I still struggled to put one of my heels on.

Then I got into my red pick up truck and went to work. I'm not the typical girl to drive a pickup truck, but my parents gave it to me when I was 17, and I've kept it ever since.

We all have to start somewhere. And that is also how it is with my job.

I work at Cleistershire, a major corporation here in Chicago as the receptionist, and also must assist anyone who has a higher position than myself.
It's tough.

Everyday I watch people rise to fame with their mediocre ideas for the business, when I could bring the ultimate success. I'm aware of my arrogance, but I chose this career path for a reason. If only they would give me a chance.

"Hey Mia."

I looked up to find Wyatt, smiling down at me.
Wyatt is my colleague, and is actually who I replaced as the receptionist. When I came, he moved up a position, so he trained me and I am just so good at my job, that they haven't wanted to promote me in the last 3 years.

But back to Wyatt.

Wyatt can be a bit overbearing, over the time I've worked here, he's grown to really like me. But he's just not my type, and he's a little annoying. I try to be nice to him most of the time, but I will put him in his place if I need to.

"Hi Wyatt."

"How are you doing today?"

"Same as every other day."

I walked to the printer, and Wyatt followed.

"Well, it is Friday. Do you want to go out with me?"

"Wyatt, I've told you many times that I'm just not interested in you like that."

"Um, I-I know," he stuttered and I began to feel bad, "But we could go to the club. Maybe we both could find someone."

"I just don't think that's a good idea, Wyatt. I need to focus on work, I don't have time for a relationship."

"Mia, no offense, but your job description doesn't need you to do much work. There's not much you need to focus on. Live a little, you're only in your 20's once."

In a way, I knew he was right.

"Sorry, maybe another time."

"Sure. But I'm holding you to it."

After that Wyatt returned to his office, and I continued to answer phone calls and bring people coffee until my day was finally done.

The continuation of my Friday routine was getting food after work. I always bought food out on Friday.

Then I returned home, plopped on the couch, and kicked my shoes off. I proceeded to turn the TV on before digging into my Chipotle. Just as I was about to take a bite, my phone started to ring.

"You've got to be kidding me," I said aloud, with a roll of my eyes.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey darling, it's your momma here."

I rolled my eyes again.

I love my mom, but she calls about four times a day, three times when I'm at work and she knows I can't speak to her. But she calls anyways.

"Hi mom, what's changed from when I talked to you two hours ago?"

"Well, honey, you know I wouldn't call if it weren't important. It's your little sister again."

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