Chapter 21

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When I woke up, I felt awful. I felt pain everywhere, and I was so confused.

Kyle was still asleep beside me, but my head was pounding, my stomach was aching, and my back hurt.

It was only when I tried getting out of bed, and felt a trickle running down my leg did I realize what the hell was wrong with me. My period decided to make an appearance, which was relieving considering the amount of sex I've had this past month.

The only problem was that I wasn't prepared whatsoever and I was hungover.

I pressed a hand to my forehead, contemplating my next move.

"Baby, you okay?" Kyle said, in his raspy morning  voice, before wrapping his arms around my neck. I had that sudden urge to cry again, realizing why I was so emotional right now.

I felt embarrassed and I don't know why, probably because we had only been dating a short time. I knew it was out of my control and it really wasn't that big of a deal, but with the emotions running wild, I was feeling pretty desperate at that moment.

Kyle wiped away my tears, and held me close,
"Baby, stop crying. You're okay."

He didn't even question me, he just comforted me and I loved him because of that. When I still didn't speak, he just pressed my head into his chest, stroking my hair.

"Your head is probably hurting, huh?"

I nodded my head, snuggling into him further. When he leant forward to hold me closer, I think he finally realized what had me in this state.

"Baby, I'll run you a bath, or warm the shower for you. And I'll have the rest ready for you when you're done, okay?"

"Thank you."

"Mia, I'll take care of you. Always."

I got in the shower after Kyle had gotten it ready, leaving me with fresh clothes and a towel.

He yelled out, "Do you like the kind that sticks up there or the pad kind?"

I wanted to laugh at his description, but I contained myself.

"The first one you said, just regular tampons."


I was curious to know if he was going to get them or what, but regardless, I was so happy to have a man like Kyle to take care of me.

I've had previous boyfriends, who may not care and simply ignore it, but also sometimes I felt as if I had to hide this completely natural thing from them because I wasn't as comfortable around them. It was stupid and I hated that feeling, but obviously, those guys and I are no longer together.

I didn't want to leave the shower, but I felt the need to vomit, so I quickly threw a towel around myself and started to throw up in the toilet.

The hangover, the cramps, it was so much to take at once, and I just had to sit in front of the toilet for a few minutes trying to gather my sanity.

I heard a knock at the door, and Kyle's voice, "Mia, can I come in?"

I could only respond by throwing up some more,
but soon I felt Kyle's hand running up and down my back, the other making sure the strands of hair falling out of my messy bun weren't in the way.

"I'm here, baby, it's okay."

I leant back against his chest, hoping it was over, as I don't think my body could take any more vomiting.

"I got your tampons," and he presented the box to me.

"Thank you," and I avoided eye contact with him because I was disgusted with myself and wanted to take another shower and brush my teeth before showing him how truly grateful I was.

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